Road Closures for Events

You can apply online for a temporary road closure in relation to events such as parades, carnivals, markets and street parties.

Temporary Road Closure Online Form

The form must be completed and submitted at least four weeks prior to the event taking place in order to allow the Council sufficient time to consult with interested parties and to prepare the formal Road Closure Order.

If sufficient notice is not given then the Council will be unable to process your application.

The application fee is £135.

Who to contact if you need a temporary road closure

Before submitting your application, you need to notify affected residents and businesses to confirm they are happy for the road to be closed for the dates you are proposing.

You need to state on your application who you have consulted for your road closure.

You should also seek the approval of Staffordshire County Council, Staffordshire Police, West Midlands Ambulance Service and Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service before you apply for the road closure

You or the organiser of the event will be required to place a copy of the Road Closure Order at each end of the road(s), or section of road(s), to be closed, by affixing the Order in a prominent position (such as a lamppost, road sign, or pillar).

This is very important as the general public need to be made aware of the road closure, even though they may not be directly affected by it.

You or the event organiser will be required to remove all copies of the Road Closure Order after the event.

Guide to organising a street party 

Find other ideas on how to organise a street party from Street Meet (

Queries about your temporary road closure

If you have a query regarding your temporary road closure contact Legal Services on 01785 619233 or email your query to, allowing as much notice as possible.

Road closures for largescale events

Events such as large sporting events are not available from us, please contact Staffordshire County Council for further information on or by phone 0300 111 8000.

The Police must also be contacted so that they can make the appropriate arrangements.

When special events require the road to be closed off to general traffic, a temporary road closure will be required, which can only be granted with the agreement of the Police, Fire Department, Ambulance Service and County Council Highways Department.

All costs involved for both the closure and diversion signing will have to be paid by the event organiser.

At least four weeks notice is required and for some events up to three months will be needed in order to organise them properly. Larger events may require even longer.

Usually roads which are closed for sporting events can only be closed once a year without the consent of The Secretary of State, who is a Government Minister.


Tel: 01785 619233
Fax: 01785 619119

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