Examination Library

Ref No

Document Publication Date

A - Submission Document

A1 The Plan for Stafford Borough- Publication (Submission) Document (A1)  2013
Policies Maps    
A2 The Plan for Stafford Borough - Policies Map (A2)  2013
A3 The Plan for Stafford Borough - Stafford Area Inset (A3)  2013
A4 The Plan for Stafford Borough - Stone Area Inset (A4)  2014
A5 Ladfordfields Industrial Estate Inset Map 1 (A5)  2013
A6 Raleigh Hall Industrial Estate Inset Map 2 (A6)  2013
A7 Former Creda Works Ltd Inset Map 3 (A7)  2013
A8 Former Meaford Power Station Inset Map 4 (A8)  2013
A9 Moorfields Industrial Estate Inset Map 5 (A9)  2013
Sustainability Appraisal    
A10 Revised Sustainability Appraisal Report (A10)  2013
A11 Sustainability Appraisal:Technical Appendices (A11)  2013
A12 Revised Sustainability Appraisal Report - Addendum (A12)  2013
A13 Planning Strategy Statement (A13)  2013
Consultation Statement    
A14 The Plan for Stafford Borough - Submission Consultation Statement – (Reg 22 (1) )(c) July 2013 (A14)  2013
A15 The Plan for Stafford Borough - Consultation Statement Appendices (A15)  2013
A16 Stafford Borough Local Development Framework Statement of Community Involvement (A16)  2006
A16a Stafford Borough Local Development Framework Statement of Community Involvement - Appendices (A16a)  2006
A17 The Plan for Stafford Borough Publication - Summary of Representations received (A17)  2013
A18 The Plan for Stafford Borough Publication - Representations Received (A18)  9/10/2013
A19 The Plan for Stafford Borough Publication -Late Representations Received (A19)  2013
A20 Sustainability Appraisal Addendum Summary of Representations (A20)  2013
A21 Sustainability Appraisal Addendum Representations Received (A21)  2013
A22 Planning Strategy Statement Summary of Representations (A22)  2013
A23 Planning Strategy Statement Representations Received (A23)  2013
Habitat Regulations Assessment    
A24 Habitat Regulations Assessment for The Plan for Stafford Borough- Publication in Respect of Natura 2000 Sites (A24)  2013
A25 Habitat Regulations Assessment for The Plan for Stafford Borough - Publication in Respect of Cannock Chase Special Area of Conservation (SAC) (A25)  2012
A26  Schedule of Additional (Minor) Modifications (A26)   2013 
A27 Schedule of Further Additional Modifications (A27)  2013

B - Supporting Submission Documents

B1 Regulation 19 Statement of Fact Proposed Submission The Plan for Stafford Borough Publication (B1)  2013
B2 Regulation 19 Statement of Fact Pre-Submission The Addendum to the Revised Sustainability Appraisal Report and the Planning Strategy Statement (B2)  2013
B3 Duty to Co-operate Statement (B3)  2013
B4 Stafford Borough Council Soundness Self-Assessment Checklist (B4)  2013
B5 Stafford Borough Council Legal Compliance Checklist (B5)  2013

C - Other Plan Documents

C1 Annual Monitoring Report 2012 / 2013 (C1)  2013
C2 Annual Monitoring Report 2011 / 2012 (C2)  2012
C3 Annual Monitoring Report 2010 / 2011 (C3)  2011
C4 Annual Monitoring Report 2009 / 2010 (C4)  2010
C5 Annual Monitoring Report 2008 / 2009 (C5)  2009
C6 Annual Monitoring Report 2007 / 2008 (C6)  2008
C7 Stafford Borough Local Development Scheme 2013 (C7)  2013
C8 Stafford Borough Local Development Scheme (Timetable) (C8)  2012
C9 Stafford Borough Local Development Scheme 2008 (C9)  2008
C10 Stafford Borough Revised Local Development Scheme (C10)  2007
Publicity and Consultation Documents    

D - Main Technical Evidence Base

D1 The Housing Monitor 2013: Land for New Homes (D1) 2013 
D2 The Plan for Stafford Borough – Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) Review (D2)  2013
D3 Stafford Borough Council 5 -Year Housing Land Statement (D3)  2013
D4 Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment for Stafford Borough (D4)  2012
D5 Stafford Borough Strategic Housing Market  Assessment (D5)  2012
D6 A A Staffordshire County Council copy of Migration 2004 Inflow and Outflow (D6 A)  2012
D6 B A Staffordshire County Council copy of Migration 2005 Inflow and Outflow (D6 B)  2012
D6 C A Staffordshire County Council copy of Migration 2006 Inflow and Outflow (D6 C)  2012
D6 D  A Staffordshire County Council copy of Migration 2007 Inflow and Outflow (D6 D)  2012
D6 E A Staffordshire County Council copy of Migration 2008 Inflow and Outflow (D6 E)  2012
D6 F  A Staffordshire County Council copy of Migration 2009 Inflow and Outflow (D6 F)  2012
D7 A Stafford Borough Interim 2011 Household Projections Total and Household types (D7 A) 2011
D7 B Stafford Borough Interim 2011 Household Projections Total and Household types (D7 B)  2011
D8 Population and Household Projections for Stafford Borough (D8)  2011
D9 2011 Interim Household Projections by Staffordshire Districts (D9)  2011
D10 Economic Viability of Housing Land in Stafford Borough (D10)  2011
D11 Economic Viability of Housing Land in Stafford Borough - Results (D11)  2011
D12 Affordable Housing Economic Viability Study for Stafford Borough - Appendices (D12)  2011
D13 Stafford Borough Subnational Population 2010 Projections (D13)  2010
Economy and Employment    
D14 Employment Land Review 2012 (D14)  2012
D15 Stafford and Stone Town Centre Retail Capacity –Update Final Report (D15)  2013
D16 Stafford and Stone Town Centre Capacity Assessment - Final Report (D16)  2011
D17 Stafford and Stone Town Centre Capacity Assessment - Appendices (D17)  2011
D18 Stafford Borough Integrated Transport Strategy 2013-2031 (2013) (D18)  2013
D19 Stafford Western Access Improvement – Map (D19)  2013
D20 Stafford Northern Access Improvement – Map (D20)  2013
D21 Stafford Eastern Access Improvement – Map (D21)  2013
D22 Stafford Town Centre Local Transport Package – Map (D22)  2013
D23 Stone Local Transport Package - Map (D23)  2013
D24 Stafford Eastern Distributor Road: Indicative Economic Assessment (D24)  2013
D25 The Plan for Stafford Borough: Transport Evidence to Support a Northern Direction of Growth (D25)  2013
D26 The Plan for Stafford Borough: Transport Evidence to Support a Western Direction of Growth (D26)  2012
D27 Stafford Borough Council Core Strategy Preferred Option Testing for M6 Junction 13 and 14 Transport Evidence Base – Final Report (D27)  2012
Environment and Landscape    
D28 Green Infrastructure, Green Space and Sport and Recreation Provision Strategy (D28)  2013
D29 Open Space, Sports and Recreation Assessment Update (D29)  2013

Footprint Ecology Cannock Chase SAC Visitor Survey (D30)

D31 Footprint Ecology Cannock Chase SAC Visitor Survey - Map Annexes (D31)  2013
D32 Footprint Ecology Cannock Chase Visitor Impacts Mitigation Report (D32)  2012
D33 Footprint Ecology Impacts of Recreation to Cannock Chase SAC Report (D33)  2012
D34 The Green Infrastructure Strategy for Stafford- The Strategic Plan (D34)  2009
D35 The Green Infrastructure Strategy for Stafford - Evidence Base (D35)  2009
D36 The Green Infrastructure Strategy for Stafford - Appendices (D36)  2009

Stafford Borough Local Development Framework Ecological Desk Study (D37)

D38 Planning for Landscape Change: Landscape Descriptions – Stafford Borough (D38)  2011

Planning for Landscape Change: Appendix 1 Maps and Plans (D39)

Climate Change    
D40 Southern Staffordshire Surface Water Management Plan Phase 2 (D40)  2011
D41 Southern Staffordshire Surface Water Management Plan Phase 1 Addendum (D41)  2011
D42 Southern Staffordshire Surface Water Management Plan Phase 1 (D42)  2010
D43 Southern Staffordshire Outline Water Cycle Study - Addendum (D43)  2011
D44 Southern Staffordshire Outline Water Cycle Study - Final Report (D44)  2010
D45  Staffordshire County Wide Renewable / Low Carbon Energy Study (D45)  2010
D46 Stafford Borough Council Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Level 1 Volume 1-Final (D46)  2008
D47 Strategic Flood Risk Map showing flooding due to climate change (D47)  2007
D48 Strategic Flood Risk Plan 1 showing flooding from all sources (D48)  2007
D49 Strategic Flood Risk Plan 2 showing flooding from all sources (D49)  2007
D50 Strategic Flood Risk Plan 3 showing flooding from all sources (D50)  2007
D51 Viability and Delivery of Northern and Western Strategic Development Locations, Stafford (D51)  2013
D52 The Plan for Stafford Borough: Whole Plan Viability Report (D52)  2013
D53 The Plan for Stafford Borough: Spatial Plan for Education (D53)  2013
D53a Staffordshire County Council errata Spatial Plan for Education (D53a) (pdf 98kb)  2013
D54 Revised Settlement Assessment of Services and Facilities (D54)  2012
D55 Settlement of Services and Facilities (D55)  2008
D56 Stafford Borough Council Infrastructure Study Inputs (D56)  2012
D57 Stafford Borough Infrastructure Strategy: Stage 2 Infrastructure Delivery Plan (D57)  2012
D58 Stafford Borough Infrastructure Strategy: Stage 1 Final Report (D58)  2009

E - Other Technical Evidence Base

E1 The Housing Monitor: Land for new Homes (E1)  2012
E2 The Housing Monitor: Land for new Homes (E2)  2011
E3  Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2012 (E3)  2012
E4 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2011 (E4)  2011
E5 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2010 (E5)  2010
E6 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2010 (E6)  2010
E7 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) 2009 (E7)  2009
E8 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Methodology (E8)  2008
E9 Stafford Borough Council Homelessness Strategy 2011-2014 (E9)  2011
E10 Stafford Borough Council Housing Strategy 2008-2013 (E10)  2011
E11 Staffordshire Flexicare Housing Strategy 2011-2015 (E11)  2010
E12 Stafford Borough Council Homeless Review (E12)  2010
E13 West Midlands North Housing Market Area -Strategic Housing Market Assessment (E13)  2008
E14 North Housing Market Area Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment (E14)  2007
Economy and Employment    
E15 Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Economic Review: An insight into our economy 2013 (E15)  2013
E16 Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Economic Review: Summary Table of Key Indicators (E16)  2013
E17 Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire Local Enterprise Partnership - Economic Growth Strategy 2012 - 2026 (E17)  2013
E18  URS Black Country and Southern Staffordshire Regional Logistics Site Study – Final Report (E18)  2013
E19 Stafford Borough Council Prosperity Strategy 2013 - 2018 (E19)  2013
E20 Stafford Borough Local Investment Plan (E20)  2011
E21 Employment Land Review 2010 (E21)  2010
E22 Employment Land Review Future Land Estimation Summary Report 2010 (E22)  2010
E23 Employment Land Review Future Land Estimation Summary Technical Appendices 2010 (E23)  2010
E24 Employment Land Review (E24)  2007
E25 Employment Land Review Future Land Estimation Summary Report 2007 (E25)  2007
E26 Employment Land Review Future Land Estimation Summary Technical Appendices 2007 (E26)  2007
E27 Stafford Town Centre Study 2000 (E27)  2000
E28 Norton Bridge Area Improvements Planning Statement (E28)  2012
E29 Norton Bridge Area Improvements Rail Enhancement Proposal Map (E29)  2012
E30 Staffordshire Local Transport Strategy Plan and Appendices (E30)  2011
E31 Draft Stafford Borough Integrated Transport Strategy 2011-2026 (E31)  2011
E32 Stafford Western Access Improvements Major Scheme Business Case Main Report (E32)  2010
E33 Stafford Borough Council Local Development Framework  Accessibility Appraisal (E33)  2009
E34 Stafford Growth Options Study Addendum to Initial Option Assessment Report (E34)  2009
E35 Stafford Growth Options Study Further Initial Option Assessment and Additional Information Report (E35)  2008
E36 Stafford Growth Options Study Initial Option Assessment Report (E36)  2008
E37 High Speed Rail: Investing in Britain's Future - Phase Two the route to Leeds, Manchester and beyond (E37)  2012
E38 HS2 Full route Birmingham to Manchester (E38)  2012
E39 HS2 route Swynnerton to Madeley (E39)  2012
E40 HS2 route Streethay to Swynnerton (E40)  2012
E41 HS2 Detailed route 1 of 2 Swynnerton to Madeley (E41)  2012
E42 HS2 Detailed route 2 of 2 Swynnerton to Madeley (E42)  2012
E43 HS2 Detailed route 1 of 7 Streethay to Swynnerton (E43)  2012
E44 HS2 Detailed route 2 of 7 Streethay to Swynnerton (E44)  2012
E45 HS2 Detailed route 3 of 7 Streethay to Swynnerton (E45)  2012
E46 HS2 Detailed route 4 of 7 Streethay to Swynnerton (E46)  2012
E47 HS2 Detailed route 5 of 7 Streethay to Swynnerton (E47)  2012
E48 HS2 Detailed route 6 of 7 Streethay to Swynnerton (E48)  2012
E49  HS2 Detailed route 7 of 7 Streethay to Swynnerton (E49)  2012
Environment and Landscape    
E50 Nitrogen Deposition Report on Heathland in Cannock Chase (E50)  2012
E51 Footprint Ecology Cannock Chase SAC Visitor Observation Study (E51)  2012
E52 Footprint Ecology Evidence Base relating to Cannock Chase SAC and the Appropriate Assessment of Local Authority Core Strategies (E52)  2009
E53 Footprint Ecology Cannock Chase Visitor Impact Mitigation Strategy (E53)  2009
E54 Stafford Borough Council Assessment and Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities Strategy (E54)  2009
E55 Stafford Borough Council Assessment and Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities - Appendices (E55)  2009
E56 Stafford Borough Council Assessment and Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities - Maps (E56)  2009
E57 Stafford Borough Council Biodiversity Strategy 2012-2015 (E57)  2012
E58 Cannock Chase Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Management Plan 2009 ‐ 2014 (E58)  2009
E59 Water for Life and Livelihoods River Basin Management Plan Humber River Basin District (E59)  2009
E60 Screening Opinion for Stafford Borough Council Core Strategy in Respect of Natura 2000 Sites (E60)  2008
E61 Cannock Chase AONB Partnership Planning Protocol (E61)  2005
E62 Staffordshire Geodiversity Action Plan (E62)  2004
E63 Staffordshire Biodiversity Action Plan (web only) (E63)  1998
Climate Change    
E64 Stafford Borough Council Environmental Management Plan (E64)  2011
E65 Staffordshire Development Specific Sustainable Energy Strategies Worked Examples (E65)  2010

West Midlands Renewable Energy Capacity Study: Implications for Stafford (E66)

E67 Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment Planning Process (E67)  2008
E68 Assessment of Facilities and Services Stafford (E68)  2012
E69 Assessment of Facilities and Services Stone (E69)  2012
Built and Historic Environment    
E70 Building for Life 12 (E70)  2012
E71 Code for Sustainable Homes- Technical Guide (E71)  2012
E72 Lifetime Homes (web only) (E72)  
E73 Lifetime Home (LTH) Revised Criteria (E73)  2010
E74 Staffordshire Extensive Urban Survey: Stafford (E74)  2011
E75 Staffordshire Extensive Urban Survey: Stone (E75)  2012
E76 Stafford Conservation Area Character Appraisal (E76)  2011
E77 Trentham Conservation Area Appraisal (E77)  2013
E78 Bradley Conservation Area Appraisal (E78)  2012
E79 West Midlands Farmsteads and Landscape  Project Summary Report for Staffordshire (E79)   2010
E80 Historic Environment Character Assessment for Stafford Town (E80)  2009
E81 Historic Environment Character Assessment for Stone (E81)  2009
E82 Historic Environment Character Assessment for Haywoods (E82)  2009
E83 Historic Environment Character Assessment for Eccleshall (E83)  2009
E84 Historic Environment Character Assessment for Gnosall (E84)  2009
E85 Stone Conservation Area Appraisal (E85)  2008
Strategic Development Locations    
E86 Burleyfields Historic Environment Assessment – EDP Report (E86)  2013
E87 Burleyfields:Evidence Report on behalf of Taylor Wimpey / Bellway / St Modwen (E87)  2011
E88 Burleyfields Development Concept Plan (E88)  2013
E89 Burleyfields Development Character Areas – Plan (E89)  2013
E90 Burleyfields Development Existing Site Sections (E90)  2013
E91 Northern Strategic Development Location - Illustrative Framework Plan (E91)  2013
E92 Northern Strategic Development Location - Concept Plan (E92)  2013
E93 Northern Strategic Development Location Beaconside Stafford Public Consultation Document (E93)  2013
E94 The Plan for Stafford Borough Land North of Stafford Strategic Development Location Meeting Notes 2012-2013 (E94)  2013
E95 The Plan for Stafford Borough  Land West of Stafford Strategic Development Location Meeting Notes 2011-2013 (E95)  2013
E96 The Plan for Stafford Borough Land East of Stafford Strategic Development Location Meeting Notes 2012-2013 (E96)  2013
E97 Statement of Common Ground  Plan for Stafford Borough Strategic Development Locations  Land North of Stafford Town (E97)  2013
E98 Statement of Common Ground  Plan for Stafford Borough Strategic Development Locations  Land South and West of Stone (E98)  2012
E99 Memorandum of Agreement Plan for Stafford Borough Strategic Development Locations Land East of Stafford (E99)  2012
E100 Staffordshire County Council and Stafford Borough Council New Growth Point – Stafford. Programme of Development (E100)  2008
E101 Staffordshire County Council and Stafford Borough Council Growth Point - Expression of Interest (E101)  2007
E102 Staffordshire County Council and Stafford Borough Council  Growth Point - Expression of Interest - Appendices (E102)  2007
Community Strategies    
E103 Stafford Borough Community Action Plan (E103)  2012
E104 Our County, Our Vision: A Sustainable Community Strategy for Staffordshire 2008- 2023 (E104)  2008
E105 Stafford Borough Partnership Sustainable Community Strategy 2008-2020 (E105)  2008
Health and Wellbeing Strategies    
E106 Health Strategy Update 2009 - 2013 (E106)  2009
E107 Health Strategy 2008 - 2013 (E107)  2008
E108 Stafford Borough Council Health and Wellbeing Services and Support (E108)  2013

F - National and Regional Planning Policy

F1 National Planning Policy Framework (F1)  2012
F2 Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (F2)  2012
F3 West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Phase Three Revision Interim Policy Statement and Policy Recommendations (F3)  2010
F4 West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Phase Two Revision Report of the Panel Volume 1 -  Report (F4)  2009
F5 West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Phase Two Revision Report of the Panel Volume 2 - Annexes (F5)  2009
F6 West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Phase Two Revision Addendum to Panel Report (F6)  2009
F7 Regional Spatial Strategy for the West Midlands (F7)  2008
F8 West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Phase Two Revision – Draft Preferred Option (F8)  2007
F9 West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy Phase Two Revision – Spatial Options (F9)  2007
F10 Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Joint Waste Local Plan (F10)  2013
F11 Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Minerals Local Plan 1994‐2006 (Saved Policies) (F11)  2007
F12 Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Waste Local Plan 1998 – 2011 (Saved Policies) (F12)  2007
F13 Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Structure Plan 1996-2011 Explanatory Memorandum February 2002 (saved policies) (F13)  2002
F14 Stafford Borough Local Plan 2001 (1997) (F14)  1997
F15 Schedule of Saved Policies contained in Stafford Borough Local Plan 2001 (F15)  2007

G - Development Plan Production

Plan Documents    
G1 The Plan for Stafford Borough- Strategic Policy Choices Document (G1)  2012
G2 The Plan for Stafford Borough- Draft Publication Document (G2)  2011
G3 A Summary of The Plan for Stafford Borough Draft Publication (G3)  2011
G4 Delivering the Plan for Stafford Borough - Local Choices Document (G4)  2010
G5 Delivering the Plan for Stafford Borough- Draft Core Policies (G5)  2010
G6 Delivering the Plan for Stafford Borough- Issues and Options Document (G6)  2009
G7 Delivering the Plan for Stafford Borough- Issues and Options Summary Document (G7)  2009

The Plan for Stafford Borough: Principles for Settlement Development (G8)

G9 The Plan for Stafford Borough- Borough Wide Development Strategy Document (G9)  2008
G10 Stafford Borough Council Core Strategy DPD Inspector’s Binding Report (G10)  2006
G11 Stafford Borough Local Development Framework - Submission Core Strategy Development Plan Document (G11)  2005

Stafford Borough Local Development Framework - Core Strategy Development Plan, Preferred Options Report (G12)

G13 Stafford Borough Local Development Framework - Core Strategy Development Plan, Issues and Options Paper (G13)  2005
Minutes of Meetings    
G14 Minutes of Council Meeting on The Plan for Stafford Borough Publication - 27 November 2012 (G14)  2012
G15 Minutes of Cabinet Meeting on The Plan for Stafford Borough Publication - 4 October 2012 (G15)  2012
G16 Special Community Services Scrutiny Committee  Minutes of Meeting - 26 September 2012 Amend Publication noted (G16)   2012
G17 Minutes of Cabinet Meeting Strategic Policy Choices - 10 May 2012 (G17)  2012
G18 Minutes of Cabinet Meeting Draft Publication responses and Draft SPD’s - 8 March 2012 (G18)  2012
G19 Minutes of Cabinet Meeting  Draft Publication 4 August 2011 (G19)  2011
G20 Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee Minutes of Meeting Local Choices responses and Draft SPG’s - 12 April 2011 (G20)  2011
G21 Minutes of Cabinet Meeting Local Choices Consultation - 4 November 2010 (G21)  2010
G22 Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee Minutes of Meeting Draft Supplementary Planning Document  Rural Buildings - 6 October 2010 (G22)  2010
G23 Minutes of Cabinet Meeting Draft Policies into Draft Publication - 16 September 2010 (G23)  2010
G24 Minutes of Cabinet Meeting Draft Policy Chapter 4 February 2010 (G24)  2010
G25 Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee Minutes of Meeting Draft Policy Chapters – 8 December 2009 (G25)  2009
G26 Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee -Draft Policy Recommendations Task and Finish Minutes of Meeting -     6 October 2009 (G26)  2009
G27 Minutes of Cabinet Meeting Issues and Options Paper -       6 January 2009 (G27)  2009
G28 Planning and Regeneration  Scrutiny Committee Minutes of Meeting  PfSD responses - 7 October 2008 (G28)  2008
G29 Minutes of Cabinet Meeting PfSD and SHLAA Methodology - 12 June 2008 (G29)  2008
G30 Special Community Services Scrutiny Committee  Minutes of Meeting - 3 April 2008 Responses to Borough Wide Development Consultation (G30)  2008
G31 Minutes of Cabinet Meeting on Commencement and Local Development Scheme - 6 September 2007 (G31)  2007
G32 Minutes of Cabinet Meeting on Adopted Statement of Community Involvement - 11 July 2006 (G32)  2006

H - Sustainability Appraisal Reports and Responses

H1 Sustainability Appraisal Summary (H1)  2008
H2 Strategic Policy Choices - Sustainability Appraisal (H2)  2012
H3 Responses and Officer Comments on Sustainability Appraisal of Strategic Policy Choices (H3)  2012
H4 Sustainability Appraisal Report (H4)  2011
H5 Sustainability Appraisal Report: Technical Appendices (H5)  2011
H6 Response and Officer Response to Sustainability Appraisal Report (H6)  2011
H7 Sustainability Appraisal Commentary Volume 2 for the Plan for Stafford Borough: Issues and Options (H7)  2009
H8 Sustainability Appraisal Technical Appendices (H8)  2009
H9 Response and Officer Response to Sustainability Appraisal Commentary Volume 2 (H9)  2009
H10 Sustainability Appraisal Commentary Volume 1 (H10)  2008
H11 Sustainability Appraisal Commentary Volume 1: Technical Appendices (H11)  2008
H12 Responses and Officer Comments to Sustainability Appraisal Commentary Volume 1 (H12)  2008
H13 Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (H13)  2007
H14 Stafford Borough Local Development Framework Technical Appendices Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (H14)  2007
H15 Responses and Officer Comments to Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report (H15)  2007

I - Publicity and Consultation Documents

I1 The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information January and February 2013 The Plan for Stafford Borough: Publication (I1)  2013
I2 The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information April and May 2013 Sustainability Appraisal and Planning Strategy Statement (I2)  2013
I3 The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information May to July 2012 Strategic Policy Choices (I3)  2012
I4 The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information September and October 2011Draft Publication (I4)  2011
I5 The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information November 2010 - January 2011Delivering the Plan for Stafford Borough Local Choices (I5)  2011

The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information February and March 2010Delivering the Plan for Stafford Borough Draft Core Policies (I6)

I7 The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information February and March 2009Delivering the Plan for Stafford Borough Issues and Options (I7)  2009
I8 The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information June and July 2008 Principles for Settlement Development (I8)  2008
I9 The Plan for Stafford Borough Publicity and Consultation Information January and February 2008 Borough Wide Development Strategy (I9)  2008
I10 Notice of Submission Regulation 22 Part 3 (I10)  2013
I11 Notification letter of Submission 20 August 2013 (I11)  2013
I12 Notification letter of Submission to Libraries 20 August 2013 (I12)  2013

J - Post Submission Documents

J1 Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Online Mapping (J1)  30/8/2013
J2 Inspectors Guidance Notes for Participants (J2)  30/8/2013
J3 Initial Questions to the Council (J3) (pdf 37kb)  10/9/2013
J4 Initial Questions to the Council & Response (J4) (pdf 5mb)  10/9/2013
J5 Schedule of Matters & Issues (J5) (pdf 227kb)  10/9/2013
J6 Flood Constraints Report (J6) (pdf 3mb)  11/9/2013
J7  Screening Opinion for Stafford BC and Cannock Chase DC (2007) (J7) (pdf 182kb)  13/9/2013 
J8  Screening Opinion for Stafford BC, Cannock Chase DC, Lichfield DC, South Staffordshire DC & Staffordshire County Council (2008) (J8) (pdf 364kb)  13/9/2013 
J9  Impacts  of Recreation on Cannock Chase SAC (J9) (pdf 2mb) 13/9/2013 
J10  Cannock Chase SAC Visitor Observation Study (J10) (pdf 1mb)  13/9/2013 
Local Housing Delivery Group Viability Testing Local Plans Report (J11) (pdf 7mb) 
J12  Land for New Homes 2008 (J12) (pdf 1mb)  13/9/2013 
J13  Land for New Homes 2009 (J13) (pdf 1mb)  13/9/2013 
J14 What Homes Where? (J14) (Excel Document)  13/9/2013 
J15 Stafford Borough Integrated Transport Strategy 2013-2031 (J15) (pdf 5mb) 18/9/2013
J16 Land for New Homes 2010 (J16) (pdf 457kb)  23/9/2013 
J17  The Plan for Stafford Borough - Key Performance Indicators (J17) (pdf 3mb) 23/9/2013 
J18 High Speed Rail: Investing in Britain's Future - Phase Two the route to Leeds, Manchester and beyond (J18) (pdf 5mb) 01/10/2013 
J19 Stone Consultation Report (J19) (pdf 6mb)  07/10/2013 
J20 Historic Landscape Characterisation Assessment (Not available online) 07/10/2013 
J21  Overview of Staffordshire Journey to Work Patterns (2001 Census Data) (J21) (pdf 219kb) 07/10/2013
J22 Leisure Facilities Strategy - Westbridge Park, Stone (J22) (pdf 195kb) 08/10/2013
J23 Urban Design Compendium (J23) (pdf 6mb) 08/10/2013
J24 By Design (J24) (pdf 4mb) 08/10/2013
J25 Next Steps to Zero Carbon Homes - Allowable Solutions (J25) (pdf 689kb) 08/10/2013
J26 Housing Standards Review (J26) (pdf 298kb) 08/10/2013
J27 Ministerial Statement on Local Planning and Onshore Wind (J27) (pdf 57kb) 08/10/2013
J28 Ministerial Statement on Planning and  Travellers (J28) (pdf 126kb) 08/10/2013
J29 Planning Practise Guidance for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy (J29) (pdf 164kb) 08/10/2013
J30 Natural England advice letter - 23 September 2013 (J30) (pdf 65kb) 08/10/2013
J31 Designing Gypsy and Traveller Sites (J31) (pdf 5mb) 10/10/2013
J32 Land North of Beaconside Archaeological Desk-Based Assessment (J32) (pdf 5mb) 11/10/2013
J33 Land North of Beaconside Ecological Appraisal (J33) (pdf 1mb) 11/10/2013
J34 Land North of Beaconside Protected Species Survey Summary (J34) (pdf 9mb) 11/10/2013
J35 Beaconside Stafford Preliminary Drainage appraisal (pdf 3mb) 11/10/2013
J36 Land North of Beaconside Landscape and Visual Appraisal (J36) (pdf 14mb) 11/10/2013
J37 Newbuildings Farm Flood Mapping Study Option H Technical Note (J37) (pdf 2mb) 11/10/2013
J38 Newbuildings Farm Flood Mapping Study Hydraulics and Hydrology Technical Note (J38) (pdf 3mb) 11/10/2013
J39 Sewer Capacity Assessment Hydraulic Modelling Summary Report (J39) (pdf 3mb) 11/10/2013
J40 Natural England Letter Advice on Policy N6 (J40) (pdf 36kb) 11/10/2013
J41 Burleyfields Stafford Historic Environment Assessment by EDP October 2013 (J41) (pdf 58mb) 11/10/2013
J42 Northern Strategic Development Location Initial Concept Plan (J42) (pdf 3mb) 11/10/2013 
J43 Land North of Beaconside Transport Strategy (J43) (pdf 4mb) 11/10/2013
J44 Land North of Beaconside Review of Traffic Implications (J44) (pdf 11/10/2013
J45 (A27)  Schedule of Further Additional Modifications (J45 (A27)) (pdf 164kb) 16/10/2013 

K - Council Submissions

K1 Background Statement (K1) (pdf 1mb)  23/9/2013 

Duty to Co-operate Statement Update (K2) (pdf 1mb)


L - Hearing Statements

Matter 1    


Statement for Matter 1 for Stafford Borough Council (Legal Requirements and Procedural Matters) (M1/1a) (pdf 438kb)  15/10/2013 


Statement for Matter 1 for Home Builders Federation (Legal Requirements and Procedural (M1/2a) (pdf 210kb)  14/10/2013  


Statement for Matter 1 on behalf of David Wilson Homes (Legal Requirements and Procedural Matters (M1/3a) (pdf 145kb) 15/10/2013
M1/4a Statement for Matter 1 for Inglewood Investments (Legal Requirements and Procedural Matters) (M1/4a) (pdf 1.9mb) 15/10/2013
M1/5a  Statement for Matter 1 for Gladman Developments (Legal Requirements and Procedural Matters) (M1/5a) (pdf 979kb)  15/10/2013  


Statement for Matter 1 for Commercial Estates Group (Legal Requirements and Procedural Matters) (M1/6a) (pdf 197kb) 16/10/2013
Matter 2    


Statement for Matter 2 for Stafford Borough Council (Spatial Vision and Key Objectives) (M2/1a) (pdf 124kb)   15/10/2013  


Statement for Matter 2 for Commercial Estates Group (Spatial Vision and Key Objectives) (M2/2a) (pdf 174kb) 16/10/2013
Matter 3    


Statement for Matter 3 for Stafford Borough Council (Development Strategy) (M3/1a) (pdf 391kb)  15/10/2013 
M3/2a Statement for Matter 3 for Fradley Estates (Development Strategy) (M3/2a) (pdf 104kb) 11/10/2013


Statement for Matter 3 for Home Builders Federation (Development Strategy) (M3/3a) (pdf 240kb)   14/10/2013  


Statement for Matter 3 for Akzo Nobel UK (Development Strategy) (M3/4a) (pdf 370kb)  15/10/2013 


Statement for Matter 3 for Baden Hall Enterprises (Development Strategy) (M3/5a) (pdf 782 kb)  15/10/2013 


Statement for Matter 3 on behalf of David Wilson Homes (Development Strategy) (M3/6a) (pdf 234kb)  15/10/2013 


Written representation for Matter 3 on behalf of Mary Booth (Development Strategy) (M3/7a) (pdf 157kb) 15/10/2013 
M3/8a  Statement for Matter 3 for Paul Windmill (Development Strategy) (M3/8a) (pdf 124kb) 15/10/2013 


Appendix A - Rural Sites to M3/8a for Paul Windmill (Development Strategy) (M3/8b) (pdf 219kb)  15/10/2013 


Appendix A - Stone Town to M3/8a for Paul Windmill (Development Strategy) (M3/8c) (pdf 44kb)  15/10/2013 


Appendix A - Stafford Town to M3/8a for Paul Windmill (Development Strategy) (M3/8d) (pdf 77kb)  15/10/2013 
M3/9a  Statement for Matter 3 on behalf of Taylor Wimpey UK (Land Interest at Great Haywood) (Development Strategy) (M3/9a) (pdf 284kb)  15/10/2013 
M3/10a  Statement for Matter 3 for Trent Vision Trust (Development Strategy) (M3/10a) (pdf 159kb)  15/10/2013 
M3/11a  Statement for Matter 3 for St Modwen Developments (Development Strategy) (M3/11a) (pdf 1mb)  15/10/2013 
M3/12a  Statement for Matter 3 for MJ Barrett Group (Development Strategy) (M3/12a) (pdf 201kb)  15/10/2013 
M3/13a  Statement on behalf of Grainger PLC (Development Strategy) (M3/13a) (pdf 245kb)  15/10/2013 


Statement for Matter 3 on behalf of J Ross Developments (Development Strategy) (M3/14a) (pdf 1mb) 15/10/2013 


Statement for Matter 3 on behalf of Walton Homes (Development Strategy) (M3/15a) (pdf 201kb)  15/10/2013 
M3/16a  Statement for Matter 3 on behalf of Taylor Wimpey UK (Land Interest at Stone) (SP4) (M3/16a) (pdf 151kb)  15/10/2013 


Statement for Matter 3 on behalf of Taylor Wimpey UK (Land Interest at Stone) (SP7) (M3/16b) (pdf 285kb)  15/10/2013 
M3/17a  Statement for Matter 3 on behalf of Gladman Developments (Development Strategy) (M3/17a) (pdf 1mb)  15/10/2013 


Statement for Matter 3 for Commercial Estates Group (Development Strategy) (M3/18a) (pdf 792kb) 16/10/2013
Matter 4    


Statement for Matter 4 for Stafford Borough Council (Stafford Town) (M4/1a) (pdf 499kb) 15/10/2013 
M4/2a Statement for Matter 4 on behalf of Clarkes Farms (Stafford Town) (M4/2a) (pdf 3mb) 11/10/2013
M4/2b Statement for Matter 4 on behalf of Clarkes Farms (North of Stafford) (M4/2b) (pdf 725kb) 11/10/2013
M4/2c Addendum Plan to Statement M4-2a on behalf of Clarkes Farms (Stafford Town) (M4/2c) (pdf 255kb) 11/10/2013
M4/3a  Statement for Matter 4 on behalf of Creswell Parish Council (Stafford Town) (M4/3a) (pdf 370kb)  11/10/2013 
M4/4a  Statement for Matter 4 on behalf of St Modwen (East of Stafford) (M4/4a) (pdf 30kb)  11/10/2013  
M4/5a  Statement for Matter 4 for Akzo Nobel UK (Stafford Town) (M4/5a) (pdf 371kb)  15/10/2013
M4/5b Appendix 1 to Statement M4/5a for Akzo Nobel UK (Stafford Town) (M4/5b) (pdf 7mb) 15/10/2013
M4/5c Appendix 2 to Statement M4/5a for Akzo Nobel UK (Stafford Town) (M4/5c) (pdf 402kb) 15/10/2013
M4/5d  Appendix 3 to Statement M4/5a for Akzo Nobel UK (Stafford Town) (M4/5d) (pdf 2mb)  15/10/2013 
M4/6a Statement for Matter 4 for Environment Agency (Stafford Town) (M4/6a) (pdf 127kb)  15/10/2013
M4/7a  Statement for Matter 4 for St Modwen Developments (Stafford Town) (M4/7a) (pdf 2mb)  15/10/2013
M4/8a  Statement for Matter 4 for TF Planning (Stafford Town) (M4/8a) (pdf 88kb) 15/10/2013


Statement for Matter 4 on behalf of Taylor Wimpey (UK) and Bellway Homes Ltd (M4/9a) (pdf 68kb) 15/10/2013 


Appendix A to Statement M4/9a on behalf of Taylor Wimpey (UK) and Bellway Homes Ltd (M4/9b) (pdf 690kb) 15/10/2013 
M4/10a Statement for Matter 4 on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (Stafford Town) (M4/10a) (pdf 70kb)  15/10/2013
M4/10b Statement for Matter 4 on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (North Stafford) (M4/10b) (pdf 58kb)  15/10/2013
M4/10c Appendix 1 to Statements M4/10a and M4/10b on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (M4/10c) (pdf 2.8mb)  15/10/2013 
M4/10d Appendix 2 to Statements M4/10a and M4/10b on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (M4/10d) (pdf 721kb)  15/10/2013 
M4/10e Appendix 3 to Statements M4/10a and M4/10b on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (M4/10e) (pdf 7mb)  15/10/2013 
M4/10f Appendix 4 to Statements M4/10a and M4/10b on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (M4/10f) (pdf 349kb)  15/10/2013 
M4/10g Appendix 5 to Statements M4/10a and M4/10b on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (M4/10g) (pdf 357kb)  15/10/2013 
M4/10h Appendix 6 to Statements M4/10a and M4/10b on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (M4/10h) (pdf 6.5mb)  15/10/2013 
M4/10i Appendix 7 to Statements M4/10a and M4/10b on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (M4/10i) (pdf 2.9mb)  15/10/2013 
M4/10j Appendix 8 to Statements M4/10a and M4/10b on behalf of Maximus Strategic Land (M4/10j) (pdf 1.1mb)  15/10/2013 


Statement for Matter 4 for Ingestre with Tixall Parish Council (East of Stafford) (M4/11a) (pdf 214kb)  16/10/2013 
M4/12a  Statement for Matter 4 for Commercial Estates Group (Stafford Town) (M4/12a) (pdf 5mb)  16/10/2013 
Matter 5    


Statement for Matter 5 for Stafford Borough Council (Stone Town) (M5/1a) (pdf 517kb)  15/10/2013 
M5/2a Statement for Matter 5 for Jon Heal (Stone Town) (M5/2a) (pdf 439kb) 11/10/2013
M5/2b Addendum consultation leaflet to Statement M5/2a for Jon Heal (Stone Town) (M5/2b) (pdf 2mb) 11/10/2013
M5/3a Petition Submission letter submitted to hearings by Keep Westbridge Park Green (Stone Town) (M5/3a) (pdf 242kb) 11/10/2013
M5/3b Statement for Matter 5 for Keep Westbridge Park Green (Stone Town) (M5/3b) (pdf 217kb) 11/10/2013 
M5/3c  Appendix 1 to Statement M5/3b for Keep Westbridge Park Green (Stone Town) (M5/3c) (pdf 6.5mb) 11/10/2013
M5/4a  Statement for Matter 5 for Dr Malcolm Bell on behalf of the Bowers Family (Stone Town) (M5/4a) (pdf 184kb) 11/10/2013
M5/5a Statement for Matter 5 for Robert G Jones (Stone Town) (M5/5a) (pdf 358kb)  
M5/6a Statement for Matter 5 for Richard Evans (Stone Town) (M5/6a) (pdf 107kb 11/10/2013


Statement for Matter 5 for Fradley Estates (Stone Town) (M5/7a) (pdf 99kb)   14/10/2013  
M5/8a Statement for Matter 5 for Hallam Land Management (Stone Town 1 and 2) (M5/8a) (pdf 4.5mb)  16/10/2013 


Statement for Matter 5 on behalf of David Wilson Homes (Stone Town 1 and 2) (M5/9a) (pdf 255kb)  15/10/2013 
M5/10a  Statement for Matter 5 for City of Stoke on Trent Council (Stone 1 and 2) (M5/10a) (pdf 219kb)  15/10/2013 
M5/11a  Statement for Matter 5 for Trent Vision Trust (Stone Town) (M5/11a) (pdf 154kb)  15/10/2013 
M5/12a  Statement for Matter 5 for MJ Barrett Group (Stone Town) (M5/12a) (pdf 78kb)  15/10/2013 
M5/13a  Statement for Matter 5 on behalf of Taylor Wimpey UK (Land interest at Stone) (M5/13a) (pdf 4mb)  15/10/2013 


Statement for Matter 5 on behalf of Chris Tibbits 16/10/2013
Matter 6    
M6/1a  Statement for Matter 6 for Stafford Borough Council (Economy) (M6/1a) (pdf 369kb) 15/10/2013 
M6/2a Statement for Matter 6 for Stan Robinson (Stafford) Ltd (M6/2a) (pdf 93kb)  15/10/2013 
M6/2b Appendix A to M6/2a for Stan Robinson (Stafford) Ltd (Economy) (M6/2b) (pdf 422kb)  15/10/2013 
M6/3a Statement for Matter 6 for Raleigh Hall Estatements (Economy) (M6/3a) (pdf 3.7mb) 15/10/2013 
M6/4a Statement for Matter 6 on behalf of St Modwen (Economy) (M6/4a) (pdf 587kb)  15/10/2013 
M6/4b  Appendix 1 to Statement M6/4a on behalf of St Modwen (Economy) (M6/4b) (pdf 4.2mb) 16/10/2013 
M6/4c Appendix 2 to Statement M6/4a on behalf of St Modwen (Economy) (M6/4c) (pdf 2.4mb) 16/10/2013 
M6/4d National Policy Statement (EN1) on behalf of St Modwen (Economy) (M6/4d) (pdf 961kb) 16/10/2013 
M6/4e National Policy Statement (EN3) on behalf of St Modwen (Economy) (M6/4e) (pdf 357kb)  16/10/2013
M6/5a  Statement for Matter 6 on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Economy) (M6/5a) (pdf 587kb)  16/10/2013 
M6/5b Appendix 1 to M6/5a on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Economy) (M6/5b) (pdf 171kb)  16/10/2013 
M6/5c Appendix 2 to M6/5a on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Economy) (M6/5c) (pdf 910kb)  16/10/2013 
M6/5d SoS and Conditions on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Economy) (M6/5d) (pdf 818kb)  16/10/2013 
M6/5e Trentham Inspectors Report on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Economy) (M6/5e) (pdf 11.2mb) 16/10/2013 
M6/6a Statement for Matter 6 on behalf of Mr and Mrs R Tonge (Economy) (M6/6a) (pdf 183) 17/10/2013
Matter 7    
M7/1a Statement for Matter 7 for Stafford Borough Council (Transport) (M7/1a) (pdf 172kb) 16/10/2013 
Matter 8    
M8/1a Statement for Matter 8 for Stafford Borough Council (Communities) (M8/1a) (pdf 305kb)  16/10/2013 
M8/2a Statement for Matter 8 for Home Builders Federation (Communities) (M8/2a) (pdf 166kb)  14/10/2013
M8/3a Statement for Matter 8 for Newcastle under Lyme and Stoke on Trent City Council (Communities) (M8/3a) (pdf 196kb) 16/10/2013 
M8/4a  Statement for Matter 8 for Housing Plus (Communities) (M8/4a) (pdf 582kb) 16/10/2013 
M8/5a Statement for Matter 8 on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Communities) (M8/5a) (pdf 325kb)  16/10/2013 
M8/5b SoS and Conditions on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Communities) (M8/5b) (pdf 818kb)  16/10/2013 
M8/5c Trentham Inspectors Report on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Communities) (M8/5c) (pdf 11.2mb) 16/10/2013 
Matter 9    
M9/1a  Statement for Matter 9 for Stafford Borough Council (Environment) (M9/1a) (pdf 371kb)  16/10/2013 
M9/2a Statement for Matter 9 for Home Builders Federation (Environment) (M9/2a) (pdf 205kb)  14/10/2013  
M9/3a Statement for Matter 9 for Environment Agency (Environment) (M9/3a) (pdf 131kb)  16/10/2013 
M9/4a Statement for Matter 9 on behalf of Taylor Wimpey (UK) and Bellway Homes Ltd (Environment) (M9/4a) (pdf 128kb)  16/10/2013 
M9/5a  Statement for Matter 9 for Inglewood Investments (Environment) (M9/5a) (pdf 1.9mb)  16/10/2013 
M9/6a Statement for Matter 9 on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Environment) (M9/6a) (pdf 468kb)  16/10/2013 
M9/6b Appendix 1 to Statement M9/6a on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Environment) (M9/6b) (pdf 35kb) 16/10/2013 
M9/6c Appendix 2 to Statement M9/6a on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Environment) (M9/6c) (pdf 171kb)  16/10/2013 
M9/6d Appendix 3 to Statement M9/6a on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Environment) (M9/6d) (pdf 277kb)  16/10/2013 
M9/6e SoS and Conditions on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Environment) (M9/6e) (pdf 818kb)  16/10/2013 
M9/6f  Trentham Inspectors Report on behalf of Trentham Leisure (Environment) (M9/6f) (pdf 11.2mb)  16/10/2013 
Matter 10    
M10/1a  Statement for Matter 10 for Stafford Borough Council (Infrastructure) (M10/1a) (pdf 268kb)  16/10/2013 
M10/2a Statement for Matter 10 for St Modwen Developments (Infrastructure) (M10/2a) (pdf 221kb)  16/10/2013 
M10/3a Statement for Matter 10 on behalf of Taylor Wimpey (UK) and Bellway Homes Ltd (Infrastructure) (M10/3a) (pdf 88kb)  16/10/2013 
M10/4a Statement for Matter 10 on behalf of St Modwen (Infrastructure) (M10/4a) (pdf 453kb)  16/10/2013 
M10/4b  Appendix 1 to Statement M10/4a on behalf of St Modwen (Infrastructure) (M10/4b) (pdf 82kb)  16/10/2013  

N - Documents Submitted and Related to Hearings

N1a  Local Plan Council Opening Statement (N1a) (pdf 47kb) 24/10/2013 
N1b Matter 1 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Responses (N1b) (pdf 190kb) 24/10/2013 
N1c  Matter 2 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Responses (N1c) (pdf 173kb) 24/10/2013 
N1d  Matter 3 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Responses (N1d) (pdf 239kb)  24/10/2013
N1e  Matter 4 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Response (N1e) (pdf 231kb) 25/10/2013 
N1f Matter 5 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Response (N1f) (pdf 218kb) 30/10/2013
N1g Matter 6 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Response (N1g) (pdf 197kb) 31/10/2013

Matter 7 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Response (N1h) (pdf 166kb)

N1i Matter 8 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Response (N1i) (pdf 224kb) 31/10/2013
N1j Matter 9 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Response (N1j) (pdf 197kb) 31/10/2013
N1k Matter 10 Summary of Exam Statements and Council Response (N1k) (pdf 191kb) 31/10/2013
N2.1 List of Homework (N2.1) (pdf 96kb)  18/11/2013 
N2.2 HBF - ID No. of Beta guidance on shortfall (N2.2) (pdf 8kb)  25/10/2013 
N2.3 Sustainability Appraisal (N2.3) (pdf 24kb) 30/10/2013
N2.4 SAC Policy (N2.4) (pdf 44kb) 30/10/2013
N2.5 Annual Housing Completions (N2.5) (pdf 175kb) 30/10/2013 
N2.6 Staffordshire Moorlands Inspectors Interim Report 2013 (N2.6) (pdf 491kb) 30/10/2013
N2.7 Deliverability of Site to North of HCC Stafford (N2.7) (pdf 76kb) 30/10/2013
N2.8 Note on Development Plans (N2.8) (pdf 459kb) 30/10/2013
N2.9 4th Element of Hierarchy (N2.9) (pdf 35kb) 30/10/2013
N2.10 Wording of SP7 (N2.10) (pdf 24kb) 30/10/2013
N2.11 Settlement Boundaries (N2.11) (pdf 64kb) 30/10/2013
N2.11a  Review Policy C5 re application of settlement limits (N2.11a) (pdf 64kb)  07/11/2013 
N2.12 Supersede Plan Policies (N2.12) (pdf 24kb) 30/10/2013
N2.13 Wording of Policy Stafford 1 (N2.13) (pdf 34kb) 30/10/2013
N2.14  Review wording of Policy Stafford 1 Page 40 (N2.14) (pdf 60kb)  01/11/2013 
N2.15 Full justification of Moratorium and further details of its application (N2.15) (pdf 469kb)  01/11/2013 
N2.16  Provision of a breakdown of Housing Trajectory (N2.16) (pdf 277kb) 01/11/2013 
N2.17  Possible housing drivers - economy and social factors (N2.17) (pdf 855kb)  01/11/2013 
N2.18  Council to consider its position on 3100 north of Stafford (N2.18) (pdf 1mb)  01/11/2013 
N2.19  Maximus Strategic Housing Numbers (N2.19) (pdf 25kb)  01/11/2013 
N2.20  What Homes Where LPA Plan Period (N2.20) (pdf 216kb)  01/11/2013 
N2.21  Site Plan from Fradley Estates (N2.21) (pdf 330kb)  01/11/2013 
N2.22  Akzo Nobel Housing Numbers (N2.22) (pdf 53kb)  01/11/2013 
N2.23 Plans submitted by M J Barrett (N2.23) (pdf 1mb) 05/11/2013
N2.24  Correct re EDR in FAM19 in J45 (N2.24) (pdf 49kb)  07/11/2013 
N2.25  Raleigh Hall Estates Policy E4 (N2.25) (pdf 156kb)  07/11/2013 
N2.26  SHLAA Stone details of housing commitments (Stone Area Plan) (N2.26) (pdf 1mb)  07/11/2013 
N2.27  Town Centre Policy E8 - Further justification (N2.27) (pdf 55kb) 07/11/2013 
N2.28  Implication of English Heritage SOCG (N2.28) (pdf 56kb)  07/11/2013 
N2.29  Consider justification and wording requirement - 3 habitable rooms (N2.29) (pdf 51kb)  07/11/2013 
N2.30  Review need to refer to Recycling facilities (N2.30) (pdf 48kb)  07/11/2013 
N2.31  Review wording of Policy N6 and accompanied text (N2.31) (pdf 48kb)  07/11/2013 
N2.32  English heritage Email dated 5 November 2013 (N2.32) (pdf 376kb)  07/11/2013 
N2.33  Review terminology of Strategic Frameworks (N2.33) (pdf 52kb)  07/11/2013 
N2.34  Review detailed wording of SDL Policies (N2.34) (pdf 57kb)  11/11/2013 
N2.35 LDF Core Spatial Strategy 2006 - 2016 (N2.35) (pdf 8mb)  11/11/2013 
N2.35a  Newcastle Proposal Map (N2.35a) (pdf 1mb)  11/11/2013 
N2.35b  Stoke on Trent - Proposals Map (North) (N2.35b) (pdf 1mb)  11/11/2013 
N2.35c Stoke on Trent - Proposals Map (South) (N2.35c) (pdf 1mb) 11/11/2013 
N2.36  Correct regarding WDR re cost in Fig 4 M117 (N2.36) (pdf 46kb)  11/11/2013 
N2.37  Review Policy E2 - Settlement Limits (N2.37) (pdf 51kb)  11/11/2013 
N2.38  Bowers Family Land (N2.38) (pdf 2mb)  11/11/2013 
N2.39  Review Policy C6 (N2.39) (pdf 60kb)  11/11/2013 
N2.40  Up to date details of past affordable housing provision (N2.40) (pdf 59kb)  11/11/2013 
N2.41  Review text and table below 13.24 (N2.41) (pdf 74kb) 11/11/2013 
N2.42  Review boundary detail of Stone re HLM land planning application (N2.42) (pdf 2mb)  11/11/2013 
N2.43  Site Plan from Trent Vision Trust (N2.43) (pdf 307kb)  11/11/2013 
N2.44  Westbridge Park floodzones (N2.44) (pdf 396kb)  11/11/2013 
N2.45  Evidence relating to Stoke on Trent Urban Regeneration Project (N2.45) (pdf 255kb)  18/11/2013 
N2.46a  Schedule of Minor Modifications (N2.46a) (pdf 721kb)  22/11/2013 
N2.46b  Schedule of Main Modifications 2013 (N2.46b) (pdf 797kb)  22/11/2013 
N2.46c  Stone Area Inset Nov 2013 (N2.46c) (pdf 6mb)  20/11/2013 
N2.46d  Proposals Map Nov 2013 (N2.46d) (pdf 6mb)  20/11/2013 
N2.46e  Stafford Area Inset Nov 2013 (N2.46e) (pdf 10mb)  20/11/2013 
N2.46f  Raleigh Hall Revision 30 Oct 2013 (N2.46f) (pdf 97kb)  20/11/2013 
N2.46g  Stafford North Key Diagram Nov 2013 (N2.46g) (pdf 242kb)  20/11/2013 
N2.46h  Stafford North Concept Diagram 30 Oct 2013 (N2.46h) (pdf 242kb) 20/11/2013 
N2.46i  Stafford West Concept Diagram Nov 2013 (N2.46i) (pdf 62kb) 20/11/2013 
N2.46j  Stone Key Diagram Nov 2013 (N2.46j) (pdf 300kb)  20/11/2013 
N2.46k  Stone Concept Diagram Nov 2013 (N2.46k) (pdf 308kb)  20/11/2013 
N3a  Letter from Councillor Mark Winnington regarding Stafford Western Access Route (N3a) (pdf 45kb) 25/10/2013 
N3b Letter from Network Rail regarding Western Access Route (N3b) (pdf 102kb) 30/10/2013
N4a Email letter from South Staffordshire Council (N4a) (pdf127kb) 30/10/2013
N5a  Letter from Hugh Lufton re Main Modification (N5a) (pdf 198kb)  31/10/2013 
N6a  Signed Statement of Common Ground - Land West of Stafford (N6a) (pdf 1mb)  01/11/2013 
N6b  Signed Statement of Common Ground - Western Strategic Development Location (N6b) (pdf 558kb)  01/11/2013 
N6c  Letter from Bellway (N6c) (pdf 26kb) 01/11/2013 
N6d  Email exchange with English Heritage regarding Land West of Stafford (N6d) (pdf 260kb)  01/11/2013 
N7a  Boundary of Stone Conservation Area near Westbridge Park submitted by Robert G Jones (N7a) (pdf 123kb)  01/11/2013 
N7b  2013 Westbridge Park Flood Map submitted by Robert G Jones (N7b) (pdf 162kb)  01/11/2013 
N8a Trentham Gardens Master Plan (N8a) (pdf 1mb)  01/11/2013 
N8b  Trentham Phase 3 Location Plan (N8b) (pdf 197kb)  01/11/2013 
N9a  Further Statement from Paul Windmill (N9a) (pdf 90kb)  01/11/2013 
N10a  Output of proposed Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (N10a) (pdf 52kb)  01/11/2013 
N11.1  Fradley Estates - Response to Multiple HW (N11.1) (pdf 53kb)  19/11/2013 
N11.2  Gladman Developments - Response to HW N2.17 (N11.2) (pdf 197kb) 19/11/2013 
N11.3  Raleigh Hall Estates - Response to HW N2.25 (N11.3) (pdf 46kb)  19/11/2013 
N11.4  Maximus Strategic - Response to HW N2.11 (N11.4) (pdf 80kb)  19/11/2013 
N11.5 Maximus Strategic - Response to HW N2.34 (N11.5) (pdf 82kb)  19/11/2013 
N11.6  Paul Windmill - Response to Multiple HW (N11.6) (pdf 206kb)  19/11/2013 

HBF - Response to Multiple HW (N11.7) (pdf 162kb) 

N11.8  Taylor Wimpey - Response to HW (N11.8) (pdf 284kb)  19/11/2013 
N11.9  St Modwen Developments - Response to HW (N11.9) (pdf 311kb)  19/11/2013 
N11.10 Commercial Estates Group - Response to HW (N11.10) (pdf 137kb) 19/11/2013
N11.11  Walton Homes - Response to HW (N11.11) (pdf 252kb)  28/11/2013 
N11.12  Milwood Ltd - Response to Mod15 (N11.12) (pdf 38kb)  28/11/2013 
N11.13  Fradley Estates / Stan Robinson - Response to Mods (N11.13) (pdf 46kb) 28/11/2013 
N11.14  Fradley Estates - Response to HW (N11.14) (pdf 39kb)  28/11/2013 
N11.15  Keep Westbridge Park Green - Response to Mods (N11.15) (pdf 52kb)  28/11/2013 
N11.16  Hallam Land - Response to N2.45 (N11.16) (pdf 326kb)  28/11/2013 

Council Summary and Response to Homework (N11.17) (pdf 301kb) 

N11.18 SOT and NUL - Response to Mods (N11.18) (pdf 177kb) 28/11/2013
N11.19 CEG - Response to Mods (N11.19) (pdf 149kb) 29/11/2013
N11.20 Dr Bell - Response (N11.20) (pdf 71kb) 29/11/2013
N11.21 Summary of MODS Comments and Council Response (N11.21) (pdf 269kb) 09/12/2013
N11.22 Inspector's Recommendations for Further Main Modifications (N11.22) (pdf 110kb) 19/12/2013
N11.23 Letter from Colwich Parish Council (N11.23) (pdf 96kb)  24/12/2013 
N11.24 Council response to Colwich Parish Council Letter (N11.24) (pdf 41kb)  24/12/2013 
N11.25  CC SAC Partnership (N11.25) (pdf 52kb) 10/01/2014 
N11.26 St Albans Road - Gypsy Site Planning Consent (N11.26) (pdf 2mb) 06/03/2104
N12 NPPG Statement (N12) (pdf 87lb)  14/04/2014 
N13 English Heritage Statement of Common Ground (N13) (pdf 86kb) 25/04/2014
N14.1  23 October 2013 - Morning Notes - Examination Hearing - Legal and Procedural Matters and Vision and Strategic Objections (N14.1) (pdf 383kb) 08/07/2014 
N14.2  23 October 2013 - Afternoon Notes - Examination Hearing - Development Strategy - Housing and Employment Requirements (SP2) (N14.2) (pdf 387kb) 08/07/2014 
N14.3 24 October 2013 - Morning Notes - Examination Hearing - Development Strategy (Spatial Principles SP3-SP7) (N14.3) (pdf 367kb) 08/07/2014 
N14.4 24 October 2013 - Afternoon Notes - Examination Hearing - Development Strategy (Spatial Principles SP3-SP7) (N14.4) (pdf 389kb) 08/07/2014 
N14.5 25 October 2013 - Morning Notes - Examination Hearing - Stafford Town (Policies Stafford 1 & 2) (N14.5) (pdf 485kb) 08/07/2014 
N14.6  25 October 2013 - Afternoon Notes - Examination Hearing - Stafford North (Policy Stafford 2) (N14.6) (pdf 378kb)   08/07/2014 
N14.7  29 October - 1 November 2013 - Examination Hearing Notes (N14.7) (pdf 683kb) 08/07/2014 

O - Consultation on Main Modifications

O1.1 Plan for Stafford Borough - Modifications (O1.1) (pdf 43mb) 07/02/2014
O1.2 Schedule of Main Modifications 2014 (O1.2) (pdf 1mb)  07/02/2014
O1.3 Schedule of Additional Modifications (O1.3) (pdf  876kb) 07/02/2014
O1.4 Sustainability Appraisal Addendum (O1.4) (pdf 1.73mb) 07/02/2014
O1.5 Habitats Regulations Assessment Addendum (O1.5) (pdf 1.37mb) 07/02/2014
O1.6 Policies Map for Stafford Borough - Modifications (O1.6) (pdf 6mb) 07/02/2014
O1.7 Stafford Area Inset Map - Modifications (O1.7) (pdf 10mb) 07/02/2014
O1.8 Stone Area Inset Map - Modifications (O1.8) (pdf 5mb) 07/02/2014
O1.9  Raleigh Hall Industrial Estate Inset Map - Modifications (O1.9) (pdf 96kb) 07/02/2014
O1.10 Summary of Modification Representations and Council Response (O1.10) (pdf 904kb)  14/04/2014 
O1.11 Representation from Action Parkside (O1.11) (pdf 90kb) 16/04/2014

Council Response to Representation from Action Parkside (O1.12) (pdf 29kb)

O1.13 Main Mods Representations (O1.13) (pdf 14mb) 22/04/2014
O1.14 Inspectors Note on Further Amendments to Main Modifications (O1.14) (pdf 78kb) 01/05/2014
O1.15 Council Response to Inspectors Note on Further Amendments to Main Modifications (O1.15) (pdf 129kb) 01/05/2014
O1.16 Final Schedule of Main Modification May 2014 (O1.16) (pdf 1mb) 01/05/2014
O1.17 Final Schedule of Additional Modifications May 2014 (O1.17) (pdf 961kb) 01/05/2014
O1.18 Letter from Creswell Parish Council (O1.18) (pdf 307kb) 20/05/2014
O1.19 Council Response to Creswell Parish Council (O1.19) (pdf 46kb) 20/05/2014
O1.20 Letter from Pegasus Group (O1.20) (pdf 364kb) 22/05/2014 
O1.21 Council Responses to Pegasus Group on behalf of Akzo Nobel Ltd and Maximus Strategic Land (O1.21) (pdf 39 kb) 22/05/2014
O1.22 Email from Hallam Land Management (O1.22) (pdf 49kb) 13/06/2014
O1.23 Council Response to Hallam Land Management (O1.23) (pdf 40kb) 13/06/2014
O1.24 Letter from David Walton Homes (O1.24) (pdf 203kb) 13/06/2014
O1.25 Council Response to David Walton Homes (O1.25) (pdf 34kb) 13/06/2014
O1.26 Stafford LP Inspector Final Report (O1.26) (pdf 325kb) 16/06/2014 

Final Schedule of Main Modifications June 2014 (O1.27) (pdf 942kb) 

O1.28  Final Schedule of Additional Modifications June 2014 (O1.28) (pdf 784kb)  16/06/2014 

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