Council Tax - Empty Property Charges

Empty and Second Homes

Council tax on empty or second homes in the Stafford Borough Council area will be payable as follows:

Type of Home Description Discount Period Charge
Furnished and second homes Furnished and unoccupied   100% (200% from 1 April 2025)
Empty homes Unfurnished and unoccupied for less than 1 year

Up to 28 days - 100%

100% (after the 28 day discount period)
Long term empty homes

Unfurnished and
unoccupied for more
than 1 year but less
than 5 years

Unfurnished and
unoccupied for more
than 5 years but less
than 10 years

Unfurnished and
unoccupied for more
than 10 years





undergoing major
repair work or
structural alterations
Unfurnished and

Up to 12 months 100% until 31 March 2024.

0% discount from
1 April 2024.

200% (after property
empty between
1 and 5 years)

300% (after property
empty between
5 and 10 years)

400% (after property
empty more than
10 years)

Empty homes: where
the liable person
is living elsewhere
in job-related or
armed forces
Unoccupied due to
liable person living in
job-related or armed
forces accommodation

The council tax team can give you more information about how the above charges may affect you and may be able to refer you to someone who can give you advice about bringing your property back into use.

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