
Retail experts are just one part of a £500,000 series of new initiatives to be rolled out to help businesses in Stafford Borough.
The ‘High Street Boost’ will kick off the programme this month giving 30 independent town centre businesses in Stafford the opportunity of working alongside experts ‘Good2Great’ to look at ways of improving their offer and attracting new customers.
Leaflets will be distributed to outlets around the High Street inviting them to find out more about the scheme - with the chance of receiving dedicated and tailored support.
- Fledgling businesses and new start-ups will also be targeted as part of the borough wide ‘Ignite and Thrive’ scheme which will search for potential entrepreneurs from institutions - such as the college and army camp.
- And existing businesses across the borough will have the opportunity to access support for their growth plans via a series of ‘Going for Growth’ workshops.
- Local businesses across all sectors will receive free advice and support on being sustainable including emission reductions and energy efficiency.
- With a new ‘Business to Business Innovation Grant’ scheme to be launched.
All the initiatives will be showcased at an event in September where the Leader of Stafford Borough Council, Aidan Godfrey, will outline to businesses and key partners the package of support available to help support growth in the area.
The overall programme is expected to see assistance given to a total of around 500 small and medium businesses.
Funding has come from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) with the borough council awarded one of the largest pots of money in the country. The local authority successfully put forward schemes to help the visitor economy, regeneration, climate change and culture.
The council has already announced major transformation for the county town with the purchase of the ailing Guildhall Shopping Centre for a proposed commercial and residential development - and plans already lodged with the local authority to demolish part of the derelict former Co-op department, while retaining the iconic frontage, to create a food court, accommodation, and retail offer.
The ’High Street Boost’ scheme will be run by experts ‘Good2Great’ who have helped businesses across the Midlands. It will include several hours of one-to-one support on aspects such as sales, marketing, and administration.
Mary Walker, Chair of the Town Centre Partnership, said: “It is really welcome news that our independent town centre businesses will receive this support after what has been incredibly challenging times. The support will provide a much needed “boost” to our town centre as part of the council’s overall plans for regeneration.”
Councillor Rob Kenney, Deputy Leader with responsibility for town centres, said: “The Guildhall and the Co-op will grab the headlines as they are the high-profile projects in the town centre. But equally important is the need to grow our new and existing businesses and this programme demonstrates the council’s ambition to do just that across the borough.
“We will be reaching out to a whole range of companies, enterprises and future entrepreneurs to invite them to take up the advice, support, or financial help that could be available so they grow and thrive in our borough.”
For more information and to express and interest go to the ‘Good to Great website - or for details on other schemes www.staffordbc.gov.uk/business-support
Press Release No 6138