
A senior councillor in Stafford Borough is urging pensioners not to miss out on receiving the Winter Fuel Allowance (WFA).
Councillor Jill Hood said the council’s cabinet were making the rallying call in a bid to ensure eligible residents of the borough did not miss out on the money.
A meeting next month (November) will be told that the council is supporting efforts to encourage local pensioners to check if they are eligible for Pension Credit - which means they will benefit from the winter fuel payment.
The cabinet will hear that the move towards means-testing the WFA will affect more than 28,000 local pensioners - and the government is undertaking a campaign to raise awareness for those who could be entitled to, but not yet claiming, Pension Credit.
Councillor Jill Hood, Cabinet Member for Community, said it was imperative residents, families, local organisations and businesses helped spread the message about how older people could receive this money.
The local authority will help promote including:
- Putting details on every page of their website to signpost to where they can find out more on how to claim
- Adding information to emails from councillors and staff
- And will share government messages through its social media channels.
Councillor Hood said: “Please check if you can get Pension Credits, even if you find you’re only entitled to £1 it means you can get other allowances too such as Housing Benefit if you rent your property, a free TV licence if you’re aged 75 or over, help with NHS dental treatment, glasses and hospital appointment costs.
“And if you don’t have the confidence to make enquiries yourself perhaps a relative or friend can help you apply. It really is worth finding out. Remember, this is what you’re entitled to.”
Anyone who is unsure if they qualify for the WFA can go to Pension Credit: Overview - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) or contact the Department of Work and Pensions dedicated helpline on 0800 99 1234 between Monday and Friday from 8am to 6pm.
Councillor Hood continued: “My hope is that nobody in Stafford Borough needlessly misses out on this allowance - and the first step is to encourage people to get in touch with the DWP to find out what they are entitled to.”
She added residents can also get help finding out if they are eligible by booking an appointment with a qualified volunteer from Stone and District Age Concern at age-concern-stone@supanet.com or on 01785 817906. They are open Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 9.30am and 12.30pm.
And the Citizens’ Advice Bureau have drop-in sessions for people at St Mary’s Place, Stafford on Thursday from 10am to 12.30pm and 1pm to 2.30pm - and at the same times on a Wednesday in Station Road, Stone.
Press Release No 6156