
A review of all the places residents use to cast their vote in elections across Stafford Borough is underway.
A list of the current polling districts and stations is available for inspection on the borough council’s website and now local electors are being asked to say what they think of them.
The council wants feedback on any of the current places and buildings used and suggestions on alternative venues. As well as the borough poll, the council also runs general, County Council and Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner elections.
Council Chief Executive, Tim Clegg, the Acting Returning Officer, said: “We try to make it as easy as possible for our residents to get to a polling station to cast their vote and I would encourage anyone who has a suggestion for a better venue to get in touch with us.
“If you think a polling station is unsuitable then tell us why and give us a possible alternative place.”
All comments and suggestions will be made available to the public.
Local electors can find further information and how to comment at www.staffordbc.gov.uk/polling-review-2023 or by writing to the Elections Office at Stafford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford, ST16 3AQ.
The review runs until Friday 3 November 2023.
Press Release No 6073