Planning councillors to discuss major park plans for Stone 


park plan

Plans for the major transformation of Westbridge Park in Stone are being recommended for approval when they go before councillors next week. 

The proposals for new play equipment, wheeled sports facility and multi-use games area will be discussed by members of Stafford Borough Council’s Planning Committee on Wednesday (15 March). 

The plans will also see toilets, picnic and seating areas, enhanced pathways and landscaping with key space for local events and existing football provision incorporated in the design. 

Ground Control, an award-winning construction firm, would carry out the project - with the wheeled sports facility to be built by specialists Bendcrete - who have delivered around 400 skate parks across the country. 

A report to the Planning Committee on Wednesday (15 March) states the proposal would offer “a wide range of outdoor facilities for children of different age groups, including adults. The new sport and recreation facilities are solely for the benefit of the community and facilitating greater access to sports facilities.” 

Although the report recommends the committee approve the plans, councillors will be told that the application would have to be referred to the Secretary of State to consider the effect of the new designs on adult football at the park. 

If given the green light, work on the £1.5m project is expected to get underway next month (April) - with a completion earmarked for October. 

The work would complement the leisure centre and swimming pool which opened on the site in 2019 as part of a £9 million scheme - the largest single investment ever made by the borough council. 

Borough Council Leader, Patrick Farrington, said: “Westbridge Park is such a key part of our overall leisure, tourism and visitor offer for Stone, with ready access to the canal and the town centre, providing accessible walking and cycling routes linking together the town’s key assets and supporting our objective to support and grow the visitor economy as well as supporting local businesses and providing a high-quality outdoor environment designed to enhance the health and wellbeing of residents and visitors alike. 

“It also provides an important space for events - with the final design incorporating this and the existing football provision.” 

Some of the funding for the project has come from money the borough council receives as part of developments in and around Stone. 

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Press Release No 6011

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