Business Rates Explained

Business Rates (also known as National Non-Domestic Rates) is a tax on business properties, and is the way that those who occupy non-domestic property contribute towards the cost of local services. 

You will probably have to pay business rates if you use a building for some other reason than a home, for example as a shop, office, cafe or warehouse. You will be responsible for paying business rates if you occupy the property, whether you’re the owner or the leaseholder.  

If you own or lease an unoccupied non-domestic property you may also be liable for business rates on it.

The Council is responsible for collecting the rates on behalf of those agencies and for administering the various reductions and reliefs that are allowable.

Central Government - 50%

Stafford Borough Council - 40%

Staffordshire County Council - 9%

Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Authority - 1%

We do not set the amount of business rates that is payable on a property. This is dependent on a Rateable Value, set by the Valuation Office Agency and a Multiplier, set by the Government.

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