Domestic Homicide Review

Community Safety Partnerships have a statutory responsibility to conduct Domestic Homicide Reviews (DHRs), as outlined under section 9 of the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act (2004). Staffordshire County Council administers DHRs on behalf of the Community Wellbeing Partnership in Stafford Borough.

The purpose of DHRs is to:

  1. establish what lessons are to be learned from the domestic homicide regarding the way in which local professionals and organisations work individually and together to safeguard victims;
  2. identify clearly what those lessons are both within and between agencies, how and within what timescales they will be acted on, and what is expected to change as a result;
  3. apply these lessons to service responses including changes to inform national and local policies and procedures as appropriate;
  4. prevent domestic violence and homicide and improve service responses for all domestic violence and abuse victims and their children by developing a co-ordinated multi-agency approach to ensure that domestic abuse is identified and responded to effectively at the earliest opportunity;
  5. contribute to a better understanding of the nature of domestic violence and abuse; and
  6. highlight good practice.

We will publish the reports and findings of these reviews as they become available on our website:

Overview Report SBP1703 (pdf 962kb)

Executive Summary SBP1703 (pdf 369)

Previous Reviews

Overview Report SBSP11 (pdf 217kb)

Executive Summary SBSP11 (pdf 78kb)

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