Farmers Markets - Conditions and Guidelines

The Farmers’ Market supports and promotes more sustainable food production and the sale of products produced sustainably. It offers local producers a retail outlet that enables them to sell directly to the public and to strengthen the links between producer and consumer. The market aims to be a vibrant and enjoyable place to shop, giving consumers a chance to meet and talk to the producers of the food and plants on sale.

  1. All produce and products (hereafter referred to as products) must be locally grown, or locally produced (using local ingredients wherever possible). Where the use of commercially made mixes is necessary, this should be clearly stated in the list of ingredients. The majority of ingredients in ‘value added products’ must be locally produced. Local is defined as up to 30 miles from point of sale, i.e. Stafford Market Square.  If more producers apply than can be accommodated, priority will be given to the most local, but not to the detriment of the quality of the products. Producers up to 40 miles from Stafford Market will only be considered if there are vacancies. Only in very special circumstances will produce be accepted from further away than this when the maximum will be 50 miles.
  2. Producers must sell their own products at the stall. No bought-in product may be sold.
  3. Only the producer, her/his family, an employee, or a representative of the business/group, who is directly involved with the growing/producing of the products is permitted to sell the products. Local growers’ organisations and umbrella organisations, such as Allotment Associations or Women’s Institutes, may appoint a representative to sell pooled products on a ‘communal’ stall, provided that those selling are directly involved in the growing/producing of some of the products on sale. In these cases,all products should be labelled with the producer’s name and address and the name of the organisation/umbrella group providing the pool of products for the stall.
  4. All stalls must display the name of the producer/business and state broadly where products are produced.  All products must be traceable to the producer.
  5. Labelling should be honest and informative. No unsubstantiated claims should be made. Only certified ‘Organic’ produce can be traded under an Organic Label. All products must be labelled with a list of ingredients.
  6. The sale of genetically modified produce or goods with genetically modified ingredients is prohibited.
  7. Producers are strongly advised to bring information leaflets or display boards about their products/methods of production for publicity and education purposes.
  8. Products should be well displayed and presented. Prices should be displayed clearly.
  9. Products must be marked and priced according to legal requirements.  If you are unaware of the requirements for weights and labelling, including ‘use by’ or ‘best before by’ dates, information is available from Staffordshire Trading Standards, Tel: 0300 111 8002.
  10. All stalls and products should comply with the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013 and the provisions of the Food Safety Act 1990. This includes ‘No Smoking’ by those selling products. A copy of the relevant guidelines can be obtained from the Regulatory Services Team of Stafford Borough Council, Tel: 01785 619000 or email
  11. Only good quality and wholesome food should be sold. The market seeks to promote healthy eating.
  12. Producers of added value products or secondary producers should include at least 10% of ingredients sourced from the local area e.g. a 30 mile radius.
  13. Stall areas should be kept clean and tidy. Packaging should be kept to a minimum, be made from recycled materials and/or be re-usable if appropriate. All rubbish and packaging must be collected and removed by stall-holders, who should provide the necessary bin sacks for this purpose.
  14. Producers must abide by Health and Safety regulations and take responsibility for safety and sanitation. Advice is available from the Regulatory Services Team of Stafford Borough Council, Tel: 01785 619000 or email 
  15. Producers must maintain public, employee and products liability insurance. A copy of this must be available for checking at every market. Contact your insurance broker for further details.
  16. The market opens at 9am and closes at 3pm. Stalls should not close down or pack up whilst the market is open.
  17. Vehicles should be removed from the Market areas before trading begins i.e. 9.00am
  18. The standard fee per stall is £22.85 for a single table/quarter of a marquee. Payment will be taken in advance by the Saturday prior to the Farmers’ Market taking place at the latest. Payment can be made by posting cheques to Stafford Market, Earl Street Stafford, ST16 2DJ, or by making direct payment to Market staff by telephoning 01785 245935. No stalls are available without prior booking and payment being received.
  19. Allocation and location of stalls is at the discretion of the organisers, bearing in mind each producer has different and changing demands and that markets are often held in conjunction with other events and initiatives. We will ensure as far as possible that a diverse range of products is on sale.
  20. Producers should not move the position of their stall once they have set up at the Farmers’ Market. 
  21. Abusive behaviour displayed to other traders and Market staff will not be tolerated and may lead to the producer being excluded from future Farmer’s Markets.
  22. Any trader intending to use their own electrical or gas powered equipment within the stall must ensure that all such equipment is maintained to a high standard and holds a current Portable Appliance Test (PAT) certificate.
  23. Traders intending to cook food on their stall must provide a suitable and maintained fire extinguisher (or other fire fighting device as appropriate) for the duration of the Farmers Market event.

Sale of Alcohol

  1. Any producer selling alcohol at a Farmers’ Market must hold a personal alcohol licence. A copy of the current personal alcohol licence must be made available to Market staff in advance of the sale of alcohol at the Farmers’ Market. It will be the ongoing responsibility of the producer to ensure that up-to-date copies of the personal alcohol licence are provided to Market staff.
  2. Only the personal alcohol licence holder or his/her nominated representative over the age of 18 years will be able to sell alcohol during a Farmers’ Market.
  3. Producers selling alcohol at a Farmers’ Market must adhere to a “Challenge 25” policy, as explained in the accompanying trading standards information.
  4. Ad hoc inspections will be undertaken by Stafford Borough Council Regulatory Services to ensure compliance. Failure to comply with the above conditions concerning the sale of alcohol may lead to prosecution and exclusion from future Farmers’ Markets.

To book a stall at the Farmers Market please use either the fillable pdf application form (pdf 143kb) or the Word application form (53kb) or, contact the Markets Office on 01785 245935. Having reviewed the above Farmers Market - Conditions and Guidelines (pdf 165kb), please print and sign from the link. By signing these rules you, the producer, are agreeing to sell within the rules, conditions and guidelines of the Farmers' Market.

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