Resources Scrutiny Committee (6.30pm) - 14 January 2025

Meeting Name: Resources Scrutiny Committee (6.30pm) - 14 January 2025
Committee: Resources Scrutiny Committee
Start Date/Time: Tuesday 14 January 2025 18:30:00PM
Location: TBC
Open to public: Yes

Councillors Participating in this Committee

The following councillors are currently members of this committee. Click the name of a councillor to view to more details about them.
Councillor Position
Councillor Angela Loughran
Councillor Brendan McKeown
Councillor Emma Carter
Councillor Jon Powell
Councillor Julie Read
Councillor Karine Aspin
Councillor Mark Winnington
Councillor Mike Dodson
Councillor Roy James
Councillor Tony Nixon

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