Council Tax - Single Person Discount

This page is for Single Person Discount Applications only. If you are looking to complete the review of your existing Single Person Discount please visit Single Person Discount Review instead.

The full Council Tax bill assumes there are 2 adults (aged 18 or over) living in a dwelling. If only one adult lives in the property the council tax bill is reduced by 25%; this is known as Single Persons Discount. To apply for a Single Person Discount you will need to complete the Council Tax – Single Person Discount Application form.

Some residents are disregarded for Council Tax, these include people in the following groups:-

  • Full time students
  • Student nurses
  • Apprentices and youth training trainees
  • People in care homes
  • People who are severely mentally impaired
  • 18 and 19 year olds who are at, or just left school and intend to enrol for further education
  • People for whom child benefit is payable
  • Care workers working for low pay, usually for charities
  • People caring for someone with a disability who is not their husband, wife, partner or a child under 18
  • People in prison (except those in prison for non-payment of Council Tax or a fine)

We have a duty to undertake a review of all council tax discounts and exemptions on a regular basis. If your bill shows a discount or exemption, you must tell us about any change in circumstances which affects your entitlement, if you do not, you may be fined.

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