Safeguarding - Contacts

Points of Contact for the General Public:


Staffordshire Childrens And Support Service (SCAS)

0300 111 8007 - Option 1 - you will then be presented with further options depending on the nature of the enquiry.

(Monday - Thursday 8am and 5.30pm and 8am to 4.30pm on a Friday)

Outside of 8am - 5.30pm, overnight, over a weekend and Bank Holidays, any child protection concerns should be directed to Staffordshire County Council Emergency Duty Service on (EDS) 0345 604 2886.


Vulnerable Adult Referral 0345 604 2719

(Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm)

Outside of 9am - 5pm if you have a concern about the safety of a vulnerable adult and need to report it overnight, over a weekend or on a Bank Holiday, contact the Emergency Duty Service (EDS) 0345 604 2886.

Alternatively you can contact Staffordshire Police Central Referral Unit on 101 or Dial 999 in an emergency

For information relating to Safer Recruitment procedures at Stafford Borough please contact

Information relating to Staffordshire Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB).

Points of contact for Stafford Borough Council staff only

A to Z of Services