The Northern Town Centre provides the opportunity to redevelop key town centre sites with residential to provide approximately 150 new homes as part of a mixed development. The area is in close proximity to Stafford College, Victoria Park and the Stafford Station Gateway.
Linking to the Northern Town Centre is Eastgate, which leads on to the Riverside Retail scheme and adjoins Borough and County Council offices. It is 1.6 ha re-development opportunity of sites in public sector ownership which could be suitable for a mix of uses including residential units.
Stafford Borough Council is working with Staffordshire County Council and other partners to ensure parcels of land off Eastgate Street are brought back into productive use, forming part of the wider regeneration of the town centre.
The Eastgate Regeneration Scheme focuses on the County Council’s empty Wedgwood Building, St Chad’s Building and adjacent property on Martin Street, in addition to land occupied by the former probation service and magistrates court buildings