Trees and Hedges - Council Owned Trees

Our Streetscene team is responsible for the management and maintenance of all trees in our ownership.

These Council trees are located across a wide variety of land types including parks and open spaces, local nature reserves, crematoria and closed cemeteries.

We have undertaken a comprehensive survey of our trees to plot their location and condition. As a result of this work we undertake works on a priority basis and based on our tree management policy.

All tree management work is carried out by our own professional maintenance team.

Property Damage

We will remove or prune trees owned by us which are proven to be causing damage to property if its found to be the most appropriate solution.

If you believe that a tree is causing damage to your property you will need to provide an independent report at your own cost and send this to us. This report should include;

  • the age of the property and any extensions
  • the ownership of the tree(s)
  • the nature of the problem
  • details of any historical defect monitoring
  • type and depth of existing foundations
  • details of soil type and composition to a depth of approximately 3m
  • evidence of tree root presence below foundation level
  • evidence that any roots found belong to the suspected trees
  • measurement of subsoil shrinkage potential at and below foundation level
  • a plan showing accurate locations of relevant site features including buildings, drains and trees on, or adjacent to, the site
  • a plan showing the borehole sampling locations

More information about property damage caused by trees.


Pollard tree pruning is a method of trimming trees to control their mature size and shape, creating a uniform canopy.  The technique is often used on trees planted in an area where its necessary to restrict their full size growth.

Pollarding is generally undertaken in late winter and may be necessary because it:

  • can prevent trees and shrubs outgrowing their allotted space
  • can reduce the shade cast by a tree
  • prevents contact with electric wires, streetlights and other on-street obstacles
  • ensures a uniform removal of limbs and branches that might be potentially at risk from high winds

Tree Roots and Drains

Tree roots will follow drains to exploit any condensation on the outside of the pipes and it is possible that, as they grow they may dislodge pipe joints, enter the drain and block it. 

Its more usual for roots to enter an already damaged drain. Once inside a drain, roots are likely to grow and cause a blockage.

The best solution will usually be to repair the drain rather than fell the tree. New drains, well laid, using modern materials and sealants should be safe from tree damage.

Television and Satellite Reception

If a genuine complaint is made about a tree or trees, owned or managed by us, which interferes with television reception and all other alternative solutions have been exhausted, we will prune the tree in accordance with the current accepted pruning techniques only where possible to do so without being harmful to the health or amenity of the tree at the cost to the house owner or house holder.

There's no guarantee that any pruning will solve the problem.

Falling Leaves

We don't collect leaf fall from house holder’s properties. Leaf fall is a naturally occurring annual process.

Tree Sap

We don't prune trees due to sap accumulating on cars or property.

Removal of Trees

We won't normally remove a tree unless its dead, dying or dangerous. A dead tree is not necessarily dangerous and where its safe to do so we will leave standing deadwood.

Contact for Council Owned Trees

You can contact us on 01785 619000 or via email at

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