Comment on a Planning Application - General Notes

You can also view instructions on how to comment on a planning application.

What to comment on

It is helpful if you can give some reasons explaining why you support or object to the proposed development. The reasons can include the following:

  • The layout, scale, massing, siting, design and external appearance of a building/extension
  • Impact on surrounding area (for example would the development harm the character or amenity of the neighbourhood?)  
  • Adequacy/inadequacy of parking/loading/turning facilities
  • The effect on traffic, road access, visibility and road safety
  • The effect on sunlight and daylight to neighbouring properties
  • Visual amenity (but not loss of private view)
  • Impact/loss of trees and hedgerows
  • Landscaping
  • Effect on listed buildings and conservation areas
  • Disabled persons’ access
  • The proposal’s compliance with current national and local planning policies, including the adopted Development Plan including any relevant Neighbourhood Plans
  • Supplementary planning guidance, such as the Design Supplementary Planning Document or the Shop Fronts and Advertisements Supplementary Planning Document
  • Planning history, including relevant planning appeal decisions.

These are called material considerations.  Although the council looks at all comments made, it is only material considerations that can affect the decision.

We can’t take the following kinds of comment into account:

  • Rights to light or private views
  • Perceived loss of property value
  • Damage to property
  • Private disputes between neighbours
  • Matters dealt with under Building Regulations or other legislation

Having your say

Your options are:

  • Support the application
  • Support the application but ask for some details to be reconsidered or changed
  • Take no action
  • Object to the application but suggest amendments or planning conditions that could address your objection
  • Ask that permission is refused because the effects of the development can’t be dealt with by amendments or conditions

Please include any local knowledge that could be useful to the case officer working on the application.

What happens next

Officers decide most planning applications. A summary of comments made on an application is included in their report. Reports and subsequent decisions can be viewed on Public Access.

Some applications are decided by the Planning Committee. If you have made comments on an application going to committee, you can ask to speak at the meeting (pdf 49kb).

If there are changes made to an application at any stage leading up to the decision, these changes will be shown on Public Access.


Under some circumstances, for example a significant change to a proposal, you may be given the opportunity to comment again.

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