Cycling on the new Two Waters Meet
Cycle-Path (Baswich to Tixall Road)
Cycling is such a great thing to do. More and more people in Stafford Borough are enjoying all the benefits that cycling has to offer - it’s cheap, pollution free, helps you stay healthy and keep fit - and it’s cool.
We support our own staff and visitors to cycle and also work in the community to promote cycling, provide improved cycle facilities and help people go by bike.
Most recently, we have supported the provision of cycle facilities within the Borough including in Silkmore and Rickerscote, Highfields, Holmcroft, Derrington and Littleworth. We have also installed public cycle pumps at locations in Stafford Town Centre, Stone and Gnosall, and at Stafford Leisure Centre.
With the additional backing of the Government funded INTO project, which ran from 2013-2015 (and provided the new Baswich - Tixall Road Cycle - Link as well as a promotional boost to cycling in Stafford), it’s a very exciting time for cyclists in particular and greener travel in general.
Cycling and the Environment
- Cycling is pollution free and usually has a very low impact on our local and global environment.
- Changing to cycling rather than driving a car for short journeys will significantly cut CO2 emissions and save on fuel consumption.
- If you're cycling in ecologically sensitive areas and in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (like Cannock Chase!) please appreciate these wonderful vulnerable natural places and open spaces - and ensure you ‘tred lightly’.
Young Riders Cycle Coaching
Stafford Road Club provide cycle coaching on Saturdays at the Tackeroo Camp Site on Cannock Chase. The aim is to encourage young riders to learn about and participate in cycling in a fun, safe and structured way.
Sessions are aimed roughly at 5-16 year olds, but the main requirement is that the young person can ride a bike.
Arrive at 10.15am ready to start for the session which runs from 10.30am to 11.30am.
The cost is £2 per session for members and £4 for non-members (membership costs £6).
Bring your own bike, helmet, gloves.
Activities are run by qualified coaches with current First Aid certificates and Enhanced CRB certificates.
For more information contact Peter: 07759 017520 or email: youth@staffordrc.org
Bike Rides for Women
The Breeze network is British Cycling’s programme to get more women riding a bike.
It is about fun, friendly, social bike rides in a local area - led by women for women.
For more info visit British Cycling Let's ride
Call: Coach Laura Ganderton, 07809204404 or April Lewis 07794710927
Cycling and Health
- Riding 20 miles a week can halve the risk of Coronary Heart Disease.
- A regular cyclist enjoys a fitness level normally found in a person ten years younger.
- Start gently and gradually build up your fitness level.
Cycling as Transport
- Traffic congestion is forecast to continue to increase significantly in the next ten years. Cycling could play a key role in slowing this trend.
- Cycling is often the quickest mode of transport during peak periods.
Cycle Safety
- Be considerate to other road users, especially pedestrians.
- Ride in single file on cycles lanes and on roads.
- Obey road markings, traffic signs and traffic lights.
- Wear a helmet and bright clothes.
- Fit a bell and use it so pedestrians (or horse-riders) know you are coming.
- Ride on the pavement except when its designated for joint use.
- Ride too close behind another vehicle.
- Ride a bike that is in poor condition.
- Ride under the influence of drink or drugs
Tips for Cyclists and Pedestrians
- All of us are pedestrians at some time.
- If there is a dividing line between pedestrians and cyclists, stay on the correct side and be aware that cyclists may approach quietly.
- Please keep young children and dogs under control, for their own safety.
Tips for Cyclists and Motorists
- Cyclists have the same rights to the road as other vehicles - give them plenty of room, especially in heavy traffic.
- Give particular attention to cyclists on roundabouts and at busy junctions.
- Do not part in or on cycle lanes.
- Be careful when opening your door - always check for passing cyclists.
Cycle Security
Stafford benefits from a CCTV system in the town centre and some car parks.
To reduce the risk of having your cycle stolen, keep it securely locked.
- Invest in a good quality lock
- Park your bike where its visible to passing pedestrians
- Lock the frame and at least one wheel to something solid
- Have your frame post-coded or security tagged
- If your bike has a frame number, note it down and keep it somewhere safe
- Remember bicycles can also be stolen from your garden, shed, garage or home too
Cycling Maps
There's now a complete set of cycle maps for each district in Staffordshire.
In Stafford Borough there are detailed maps for ‘Stafford Urban’, ‘Stafford Rural’ and ‘Stone’ at Cycle Maps (staffordshire.gov.uk)
Within Stafford, town maps are available for the route from Baswich to the Town Centre and for the cycle path that runs all the way from Beaconside to Derrington and beyond.
Cycling along our Canal Network
Cycling is a great way of seeing our network of canals and rivers and getting some exercise at the same time.
If you’re planning a day out on your bike why not incorporate our canals into your ride?
Our towpaths offer traffic free routes next to some of the country’s most stunning waterside scenery. For more information visit the Canal River Trust.
Indoor Cycling in Stafford
Indoor cycling is a class dedicated to studio cycling lead by a specialist trained instructor to motivate, encourage and take you through an exhilarating cardio-vascular workout.
Local Cycling Clubs and other Useful Links
Sustrans works with communities, policy-makers and partner organisations so that people can choose healthier, cleaner and cheaper journeys and enjoy better, safer spaces where they live.
All over the UK, we make a positive difference to people's lives.
Sustrans.org.uk have masses of great information covering:
- Choosing a bike
- Planning a route
- Road safety
- Cycling signs and road markings
- Bike maintenance made easy
- Bike security and much, much more
INTO Project
The INTO cycling project (Staffordshire County Council) was funded by the Government's Local Sustainable Transport Fund. Staffordshire County Council was awarded £4.2 million funding to offer a number of exciting initiatives to improve greener transport in the county town.
Stafford Road Club
c/o Stafford Rugby Club, Castlefields, Stafford, ST16 2TS
Website: www.staffordrc.org/src
Stone Wheelers
c/o Stone Lawn Tennis and Squash Club, Newcastle Road, Stone, ST15 8LD
Website: www.stone-wheelers.co.uk
Stafford Triathlon Club
Denfield House, Stafford Road, Weston, Stafford, ST18 0HX
Email: webmaster@staffordtri.co
British Cycling
Stuart Street, Manchester, M11 4DQ
Phone: 0161 274 2000
Email: info@britishcycling.org.uk
Website: www.britishcycling.org.uk
Cyclists Touring Club (CTC)
Cotterell House, 69 Meadrow, Godalming, Surrey, GU7 3HS
Phone: 0870 873 0060
Website: www.cyclinguk.org
Cycle England
PO Box 54810, London, SW1P 4XX
Email: info@cyclingengland.co.uk
Back 2 Bikes: Stafford’s Bike Recycling Project
Greyfriars Way, Greyfriars Business Park, Stafford ST16 2RF
Phone: 01785 257483
Email: office@back2bikes.org.uk
Through this scheme you can loan a cycle and/or cyclists safety equipment through a salary sacrifice scheme. For further details, visit the Cyclescheme website.
Useful information and Guidance for Cyclists
Website: www.londoncyclist.co.uk