Housing Planning Policy

Planning for new homes is a key element for planning policy.

The Council’s Local Plan aims to ensure that a sufficient number of new homes are built in appropriate locations to meet the assessed needs of local people and those wishing to move into the area.

It takes into account the specific housing needs within some of our local communities, such as extra care provision for older people and pitches for gypsies, travellers and travelling show people.

Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA)

The Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment identifies sites in the Borough which may be suitable for housing development.

The assessment considers the location, potential constraints, deliverability and potential number of houses or employment land that could be built for each submitted site.

The inclusion of sites in the SHELAA does not mean they are likely to be developed, or that the Council would view applications on these sites favourably.

Strategic Housing Market Assessment

The Strategic Housing Market Assessment is a research document that helps define the local housing market area.

It analyses existing provision and considers the balance between housing supply and demand/need. It also considers affordable housing.

Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment

The Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Needs Assessment is a comprehensive accommodation assessment for gypsies and travellers and travelling show people. It establishes the supply and demand/need for pitches.

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