Our purpose is to drive the delivery of excellent community services to achieve Local and National priorities.
Chief Executive
Tim Clegg
- Responsible for all staff and services
- Principal policy adviser to the councils
- Returning Officer for Stafford Borough Council
- Strategic role, together with the two Deputy Chief Executives, in leading the direction of the councils in support of both cabinets
01785 619200 or 01543 464347

Deputy Chief Executive - Place
Gregg Stott
- Responsible for all 'frontline' services
01785 619348

Deputy Chief Executive - Resources
Chris Forrester
- Section 151 Officer and directly responsible for finance and revenues and benefits
- Responsible for all support services
- Returning Officer for Cannock Chase Council
01543 464334

Head of Economic Development and Planning
Dean Piper
- Economic Development
- Planning Policy
- Planning Enforcement
- Development Management
01543 464223

Head of Housing and Corporate Assets
Nirmal Samrai
- Housing Tenancy Services
- Housing Property Services
- Housing Maintenance
- Housing ICT Systems
- Housing register (CCDC only)
- Corporate Asset Management
- Caretaking and Cleaning
01543 464210

Head of Law and Governance
Ian Curran
- Legal
- Democratic Services
- Electoral Services
- Information Governance
- Civic and Corporate Support
- Monitoring Officer for both councils
01785 619220

Head of Operations
Joss Presland
- Streetscene (including Parks and Open Spaces)
- Waste Contracts
- Bereavement Services
- Fleet Management and Vehicle Workshop
- Markets
- Car Parking
01543 456822

Head of Regulatory Services
Gabrielle Whitehouse
- Climate Change
- Environmental Health
- Licensing
- Private Sector Housing
- Civil Contingencies
- Building Control
- Land Charges
- Street Naming and Numbering
01543 464621

Head of Transformation and Assurance
Judith Aupers
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Business Planning and Performance
- Projects and Transformation
- Customer Services
- Communications
- Internal Audit and Risk
- Health and Safety
- Procurement
01543 464411

Head of Wellbeing
Anna Nevin
- Housing Strategy/Homelessness
- SBC's Housing Register
- Disabled Facilities Grants
- Leisure
- Health in all Policies
- Reducing inequalities
- Working with the Voluntary Sector
- Asylum Seekers and Refugees
- Vulnerable People
- Community Safety and CCTV
01785 619176