Strategic Planning and Placemaking Consultations

Call for Sites (including Brownfield Land)

Status: Ongoing

Report available: Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment

Call for Local Green Space Sites

Status: Ongoing

Local Plan 2020-2040 - Preferred Options Consultation

Start date: Monday 24 October 2022

End date: 12noon on Monday 12 December 2022

Status: Closed

New Local Plan - Whole Plan Viability Assessment (stakeholder engagement)

Start date: 12 January 2022

End date: 12noon on Friday 28 January 2022

Consultation Responses: Via email to

Status: Closed

New Stafford Borough Local Plan 2020-2040: Issues and Options Report

Start date: 3 February 2020

End date: 12noon on Tuesday 21 April 2020

Status: Closed

Addendum: updated Table 5.3 of the New Stafford Borough Local Plan 2020-2040: Issues and Options Report

Biodiversity draft SPD

Start date: 3 February 2020

End date: 12noon on Monday 16 March 2020

Status: Closed

New Local Plan: Scoping the Issues

Start date: 18 July 2018

End date: 18 September 2018

Status: Closed

Report available: Scoping the Issues - Consultation Report

Settlement Assessment and Settlement Profiles

Start date: 18 July 2018

End date: 18 September 2018

Status: Closed

Report available: Settlement Assessment - Consultation Report

Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment Draft Methodology

Start date: 13 June 2018

End date: Tuesday 31 July 2018

Status: Closed

Report available: Strategic Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (2018)

Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report

Start date: 19 July 2017

End date: 6 September 2017

Status: Closed

Report available: Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report, Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Technical Appendices


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