Landscape Character Assessment

Landscape Character Assessment is the analysis, description and classification of the landscape. It involves identification of those features that contribute to the character of the landscape, thereby enabling the special character and qualities of an area to be understood and protected.

This information allows reasoned consideration of those issues affecting the landscape in order to develop appropriate recommendations for its future conservation and management.

The Staffordshire Planning for Landscape Change and Character Assessment ( was adopted on 10 May 2001 as Supplementary Planning Guidance to the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Structure Plan 1996-2011. Although this Plan has now been revoked, the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Joint Waste Local Plan (2010-2026) (Adopted March 2013) ( requires that regard is given to Planning for Landscape Change or its successor document which will remain a material consideration.

Relevant sections of the Supplementary Planning Guidance for Stafford Borough can be downloaded below:

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