Harassment, Violence and Threatening Behaviour - How we use your personal information

This Privacy Notice Statement has been issued following a recent incident of harassment, violence and threatening behaviour.

Data Controller

Stafford Borough Council, Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford ST16 3AQ, is the data controller for personal information we hold about you in relation to incidents affecting the health and safety of individuals. 

Purpose of Processing

As an organisation we process your personal data (typically your name, address, circumstances giving rise to a concern) to enable us to make a record of you as a person who poses a potential risk to the health, safety and welfare of our employees and/or others and to enable us to put in place appropriate measures to control those risks. The information may come to us from a Council employee or someone who does not work for the Council.  We will only disclose the exact source of the information where we are satisfied there is no risk to that individual. 

Legal Basis

We will only use your personal information when the law allows us to. Most commonly the basis for using your personal information will be because the processing is necessary for us to comply with our legal obligations namely under:

  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
  • Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
  • Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations
  • Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations

We will also use personal information we have obtained if it is necessary to enable the council to establish, exercise or defend legal claims


We will share your information with officers within the Council and with persons outside the Council where there is a justifiable need for them to know/ use the information.

We will share your information with third parties where required by law or where it is necessary to fulfil an obligation of the Council.

Examples of organisations we may need to share information with are listed below, this list is not exhaustive: insurers, claims handlers, legal practitioners, other government bodies, police, medical advisors, private investigators, health service providers and other service providers working on behalf of Stafford Borough Council.
Third-Party Service Providers are companies who process your information on Stafford Borough Councils’ behalf. Those third-parties may process personal information about you also. Main examples are as follows:

  • Lichfield District Council - Lichfield District Council provides the health and safety advice service on behalf of Stafford Borough Council
  • Cannock Chase District Council - provide and manage revenues and benefits
  • Homes Plus - Provide housing support


Records are kept in accordance with the Council's disposal schedule and we will not keep your information for longer than necessary.

Data protection law provides you with certain rights, however not all of these rights will be available to you in all situations, particularly where we process your information as part of one of our statutory duties.  Where we are under a legal duty to use data for a particular purpose you will not have the right to prevent it being used in that way.

A full list of the rights you may have, under data protection law, is given in the 'Your Rights' section on Data Protection - Privacy Notices.

For specific enquiries regarding personal data which we process you can contact the Data Protection Officer on email: dpo@staffordbc.gov.uk or at Civic Centre, Riverside, Stafford ST16 3AQ.

If you wish to complain about how your personal information has been handled by Stafford Borough Council then please contact the Data Protection Officer in the first instance using the details above.  If you are not satisfied you can submit a formal complaint to the Council via www.staffordbc.gov.uk/Complaints 

Finally you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office at: The Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, Tel: 0303 123 1113 or you can visit their website at ico.org.uk.

Find details of how we handle your personal information


Tel: 01785 619000

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